Story #2210

When I came out to my friend he immediately accepted me, and soon he told me that he was trans. It is great knowing that you have someone who understands. Coming out to him really brought us closer together and I am so happy I told him. (Non-Binary/12/Pansexual)

Story #2207

When I came out to my sister as Nonbinary, she accepted me right away and asked me for my pronouns. I told her the pronouns were they/them. She told me she could help me with the money for bottom surgery, and I’ve been thankful ever since! (Nonbinary/demiboy/12/Bisexual/pansexual/asexual)

Story #2200

When I came out, my Christian mom was so confused and unaccepting. I told her that I feel like I’m not female or male. She still uses she/her pronouns, when I asked her to use they/them. (Non-binary/12/Pansexual/enby)

Story #2194

When I came out I at first told my friends, then a girl in my class said that she was too. I felt really happy that someone other than me knew what pan was. So then my parents found out. I did not tell them. So they did not talk to me for over 2 weeks. Then after the 2nd week was over, my dad told me that this was just a phase. But I showed him a pic of my ex-boyfriend and he said, “Oh wow,” then left it at that. (M/17/Pansexual)

Story #2190

When I came out to my friends as pansexual, it was in my groupchat from middle school just after the COVID quarantine began. When I told them, everybody was like, “Oh, you’re gay? Me too!” So now I have a groupchat of the gays. I just recently came out to them as non-binary and they’re really supportive. I’m going to a Catholic high school this year and there’s not a very LGBTQ+ friendly community, so I’m very thankful to have some supportive friends that I can talk to. I still haven’t come out to my parents, but I came out to my sister and my cousins earlier this year (only as pan, not as enby yet). (Non-binary/Pansexual)

Story #2189

When I came out I was scared and felt no one would understand me, but when I finally did my best friend came out too! School came and I told everyone I went by Alex and they/he pronouns. I just recently came out to my stepparent and am very close to coming out to my mom. I have a boyfriend right now who is very supporting. I’m slowly cutting out toxic people and coming out to everyone else. (Demiboy/nonbinary/14/Pansexual)

Story #2188

When I came out to my sister, she actually took it pretty well. She is 10 years old (two younger than me) and I called her into my room. I explained to her what LGBTQ+ was, and then explained that I was Pan. She just blankly stared at me for 10 nerve-racking seconds and then shrugged and told me ok, and promised not to tell anyone. She is the only one I have come out to. Sometimes she gives Gay characters in shows flack. If I hear her say anything disrespectful, I hide ONE of her socks 😀 (F/12/Pansexual, still figuring myself out)

Story #2187

When I came out I was 12 (only 2 weeks ago) and I had been worrying about it for months! My parents were thinking about separating, and my dad had come to tell me and my sister that he was maybe going to move out west. I asked to talk to him alone, so my sister went to bed. I just sat there for 10 minutes, hyperventilating, and then I told him I was bi. I didn’t want to explain what pan was. And he was SUPER supportive! I said that I needed him to stay with us, and not move. I didn’t sleep the whole night. The next day I told my mom. She was like, “Aw honey! That’s great!” And then she went on to tell me about a bisexual love triangle that she had been in with my dad and his friend! So I ended up saving my parents’ marriage with my sexuality! (F/12)

Story #2183

When I came out I tried a million times before I actually said something. I tried to write a letter and give it to my mum but I couldn’t bring myself to hand it to her. Eventually I asked her if I could go on a drive with her; she said yes but I still could barely force the words out, even though I knew she would be accepting. And she was accepting, and she told my dad for me (I wasn’t worried about telling him, but he’s at work all the time and my mum sees him more than I do). I’ve only told her and my two best friends, who are both LGBTQ+. I thought coming out as bigender would be like when I came out as pansexual, but it was so much harder. You’re all awesome. (Bigender[m/f]/13/Pansexual)

Story #2176

When I came out, I was already out to most of my school friends as gay, but then I started to question my gender and figured out I was agender. The first few people I came out to were accepting, but they all made a huge deal out of it (it’s just me??? call me by my name and pronouns as you would do anyone else???), and eventually, rumours started floating around the school as they had when I had come out to these same people as gay. This made me quite anxious as I felt that everyone knew my deepest secret. Later when I came out to my class, people kept deadnaming and mispronouning me, saying, ‘Same thing’ or ‘You know what I meant’. Later by the people in my class I got bullied (still am being bullied) and called an ‘it.’ And finally, was outed to a bunch of my teachers: When they called the roll and said my deadname (though I appreciate people learning my real name, it was super annoying) people in my class yelled out (some quite mockingly :((() ‘Actually, it’s *real name.*’ And as I’m not currently out to my mum, this was quite distressing as some of the teachers are friends with and talk with my mum often. 🙁 (Agender/non-binary/13/Aromantic/pansexual/demisexual)