Story #2591

When I came out, I was around 31 and it was to my coworkers. It was spectacular and they even threw a party for me the next day. My parents are a bit skeptical but they support me nonetheless. (M/42/Gay)

Story #2586

When I came out, I was scared because my parents were not only devoted Christians, but they were heavy conservatives. Me and my bisexual twin sister came out to my parents shortly after we got home from church and their reaction shocked us. They smiled and gave us a big hug, saying they love us. But they always warn us not to act gay at church or around family. So, I guess you can say I may have won the battle but I lost the war. Haha. (M/13/Pansexual)

Story #2584

When I came out, I was sort of caught. I was on a discord server with my gay friend group before I had to go and use the bathroom. When I finished doing my business, I saw both my mom and my dad on my computer, scrolling and looking at my server before they turned around. They looked at me and sighed. My mom asked me if I was really omnisexual and I told her yes. My dad gagged before heading out. I felt heartbroken, since I loved my dad more than anything. My mom hugged me and told me that she’ll talk to my dad. They’ve been arguing ever since and I feel like it’s my fault. (M/11/Omnisexual)

Story #2583

When I came out, it was fairly hard. I was born a girl and everyone considered me a girl. Compared to the other preppy girls at my school, I look like something that came from a dumpster. However, when I first got my period, everything in me broke. Growing breasts felt like a barrier building up to prevent me from trying to be my true self. My mom found out about me being trans when my homophobic sociology teacher told her on open house. My mom was kind of supportive and my dad is completely neutral on the topic. However, my teacher still disrespects me and once he separated me from doing a group activity. I was sad but I hoped that my fellow queers won’t have to go through this. (FtM/Transmasc/14/Bisexual)

Story #2577

When I came out, I sitting on the porch swing with my older sister as we shared stories from our day. I hesitated with a knot in my stomach for a while before finally summoning the courage to say, “I need to tell you something. You know {my friend’s name}? Well, we are dating. I’m gay.” My sister turned to me with a big smile. She wrapped her arm around my shoulder, pulling me close as she whispered, “Thank you for being you.” I’ll never forget that. (M/17/Gay)

Story #2575

When I came out I knew I was trans and had always been a boy. I had a bag of safety emergency stuff, and my mom found it and looked through it and it had info on me being trans. She kinda outed me to my dad ASAP (I’m a little upset). We talked that evening all together, and I kinda had to come out. It went overall well; my parents are still learning and had to challenge everything I said (quite annoying), but they love me and it is working out. Good luck to you all!!!! (Transgender [FtM]/13/Gay/bisexual)

Story #2566

When I came out, I was outed. It was pretty sh*tty. My mother found out by reading my journal and then screamed at me saying that I’m not a man trapped in a woman’s body and that I’m born a woman, will live as a woman and die a woman. Then she cried telling me to not have sex change surgery when I become an adult. This happened when I was 13, I think. I even had a nightmare recently based on it where my mom grabbed the journal and carved “you are a woman” and she carved it on the table too and held a knife to my neck saying, “You’re a woman.” My mom told my dad during my tucute nonbinary phase that I didn’t ‘feel’ like a girl and he said, “You’re turning into a lady”.  I hate my life. I wish I had the right body. I wish gender dysphoria never existed. (M/14 almost 15)

Story #2555

When I came out I was 16 or 17 my parents were super religious and conservative, and I never felt like a girl. All my friends were a bit edgy about me being trans and being bisexual; that was because I went to a Christian school where there were only a few queers. The only one who supported me was my teacher, because she had two sons: one was trans, like me, and the other was pansexual. The teacher was very kind and she was like a second mom to me. I transitioned and received top surgery two and a half years ago and kept my female organs because I wanted to hold a child. (Transgender Male/FtM/24/Bisexual)

Story #2549

When I came out to my parents, they were just neutral. At the time, I was bisexual and they were completely fine with it. My friends supported me so much, it felt like a dream. However, over time, I lost attraction and I didn’t feel any sexual attraction to people. I was worried sick because I felt odd and alien-like, so I searched up what I was feeling and turns out I’m asexual, but I didn’t feel at ease with that, since romance wasn’t kind my thing. After a little bit of digging, I found out I’m aroace. My family and parents supported me just as well when I was bi. (M/16/Aroace)

Story #2543

When I came out a few years ago, I knew that I was male, but out of fear I convinced myself that my feelings weren’t valid and that I was saying I was male just for the attention. This fear was reenforced when I came out to my mother (at the time identifying as non-binary for the previously mentioned reasons). I told her how I felt more comfortable dressing in a suit and tie and how being referred to as a girl caused me a lot of anxiety and depression because this was not who I knew myself to be. She told me that God gave her a girl and that God never told her to let me wear a suit and be like a boy. Since then, I’ve come out as a trans male and she’s slowly becoming a little more accepting, but I still feel nervous when talking to her about anything gender related because what she said to me all those years ago is still with me today. (M/17/Bisexual)