Story #2592

When I came out, I was not only kicked out but was also talked crap about. I came out to my parents as trans and they were furious. My mom called me a disgrace and that she should’ve never had my aunt, who is also trans, to babysit me when I was 10. My dad shook his head and told me to pack my belongings. I was heartbroken and I moved into my best friend’s apartment. Two or three weeks later, I found out my mom was talking crap about me to my Aunt Leslie (the trans one). Since my aunt loved me for who I am, she called me and told me everything will be OK. Afterwards, I started to go on hormones, which made me moody and when my mom called me to apologize, I screamed at her. But that was two years ago and now everything is OK. (I don’t talk to my parents anymore but I still chat with my aunt.) (Female/MtF/19/Straight)

Story #2417

When I came out I was 9 years old. I knew I was a girl so I came out to my best friend, who supported me. I haven’t come out at abro or aceflux yet, but I really hope everybody upports me when I do! (MTF/10/Abro/aceflux)

Story #1962

When I came out in 1974, when I was 9, I was watching a documentary about a Transsexual woman when I realised what I was. I told my mum, who said, “Talk to your father.” He was a homophobe, and I was very scared. I kept my feelings inside for many years, also because I preferred girls over boys, so I was so confused. This is my second time around living as a Female. (Trans Female/54/TransBian)

Story #1916

When I came out I told my bio mom and my foster parents. I was nonbinary and pan. My bio father wouldn’t understand nonbinary so I said I was trans since I’ll soon be on T. He cut me off. Though it hurt I’m happy with my decision. I’m just contemplating if I’m nonbinary or MtF. (Nonbinary, MtF/17/Pansexual)

Story #1849

When I came out it was when I was in the Army and it was shortly before Obama allowed trans people to serve openly. My retention NCO was trying to keep me from ETSing and was trying to get me to sign an extension. He asked me what it would take for me to extend my service and I told him I was trans. It apparently didn’t click in his head what I meant because he said I was going to go to school to be a combat engineer and to not worry about me being a transportation operator. After going back and forth several times that I am trans he finally realized what I saying by just saying, “Ooh” in a very embarrassed way. (Transfemale/28/Transgender MtF)

Story #1291

When I came out, I had been anxious and stressing about it for days. Finally, when my mom was in the shower, I cracked the door open and said, “Mom? Would you hate me if I felt transgender?” She said, “No, why would I hate you?” I begin HRT in a couple of weeks (MtF/just turned 16).

Story #1240

When I came out as transgender (17, MtF) last month, my parents reacted terribly, saying that as long as I was under their roof, I was not going to be a girl. They said that me being trans is a mistake that I could make when I’m older. My stepdad said, and I quote, “Your life as a girl is over.” Now I’m scared to even try to be myself.