Story #2176

When I came out, I was already out to most of my school friends as gay, but then I started to question my gender and figured out I was agender. The first few people I came out to were accepting, but they all made a huge deal out of it (it’s just me??? call me by my name and pronouns as you would do anyone else???), and eventually, rumours started floating around the school as they had when I had come out to these same people as gay. This made me quite anxious as I felt that everyone knew my deepest secret. Later when I came out to my class, people kept deadnaming and mispronouning me, saying, ‘Same thing’ or ‘You know what I meant’. Later by the people in my class I got bullied (still am being bullied) and called an ‘it.’ And finally, was outed to a bunch of my teachers: When they called the roll and said my deadname (though I appreciate people learning my real name, it was super annoying) people in my class yelled out (some quite mockingly :((() ‘Actually, it’s *real name.*’ And as I’m not currently out to my mum, this was quite distressing as some of the teachers are friends with and talk with my mum often. 🙁 (Agender/non-binary/13/Aromantic/pansexual/demisexual)