Story #1618

When I came out my parents didn’t believe me and two years later they still don’t. They believe it’s a phase. I have come out to a few of my friends and they have been supportive, if a bit surprised. I plan to be out publicly pretty soon. (M/15/Gay) šŸ˜‰

Story #1617

When I came out, I was 15 and it was to my girlfriends. They took it really well and that gave me the eventual courage to come out to my mom at 16. She said I was confused because of the company I kept, but she accepted it. I still feel a sense of dysphoria, but I’ll survive because I’m proud to be a demi+pan!

~A Pan-tastic Girl

Story #1616

When I came out to my parents they said I was too young. I’m 13, which is puberty age, so I think Iā€™m old enough. Oh well, might as well wait until I’m 18, tell them again, and if they don’t like I can move out cuz I’ll be an adult šŸ˜› (13/Lesbian)

Story #1615

When I came out, I had been chatting with one of my friends on Skype, and somehow the conversation had shifted into her ranting about how she hates “people like that.” I was trying to convince her to show some empathy, but when that failed, I just told her I was bi. She hung up and went offline. :/ I told my family and my other friends so that they wouldn’t hear about it through her. My friendship with her pretty much ended that day, but a few years later we spoke again, and she apologized for how she had treated me and told me she had since distanced herself from her parents’ beliefs. (M/19/Bi)

Story #1614

When I came out, I told all of my friends that I was bi, and I think I fooled everyone, included me. After a few months I moved to a new city, met new people, and realized that I was actually gay. Then I truly came out to some of my friends (didn’t have the time to do it with all of them).

Story #1613

When I came out, it was an unplanned announcement, but I’m glad I did it. A few days ago I was hanging out with one of my best friends doing what guys do. Going in, I hadn’t planned on telling him that I was bisexual but by the end of the night I felt a sudden urge to say something. His response made me feel happier and less alone than I’ve felt in a long time: “Me too, man.”

Story #1612

When I came out, I came out to myself (if that makes sense.) I am 23 and finally accepting that I am gay. I now realize why with my previous boyfriends did not work out. I was never happy with the relationship. Now I want to look for love and acceptance for myself, before confessing (coming out) to my friends and family.

-Girl wants to meet girl šŸ™‚

Story #1611

When I came out of the closet about a year ago I only told my two best friends and they took it very well. Today my brother just asked me if I am bi and I have answered a simple yes. He has taken it very well and told me that he is a little upset because I didn’t tell him before. I hope to be brave and share it with my parents. (F/19/Bi)

Story #1610

When I came out to my mum as bisexual several years ago, she answered, “Isn’t everyone a little bit bi?”, which I took to be a good sign… but I don’t think she really believed me until I told her recently that I was dating a girl. Now she is clinging to how I seem to have had meaningful relationships with boys also. Dad took it very weirdly because it was a shock to him, and while he hasn’t been mean about it in any way, he’s been distinctly cold ever since.

Story #1609

When I came out to my mom I was 14. I told her that I like girls but I am still confused about my sexuality. She said she will always love me and it doesn’t matter if I like a girl or a guy. After that I told her that my “BFF” is my girlfriend. She said, “I thought so.” I am so happy. A weight has been lifted off my chest. (F/14)