Story #2004

When I came out that was the greatest feeling I have ever felt; I felt like I was finally out to who I am. I am studying in a convent. One of my besties is the sports head (V) of our school and the other one is the deputy head prefect (M). Suddenly it got revealed that our tycondo coach and one of our younger grade sisters are in a romantic relationship. M acted so homophobic and V was cool with it, and I came out to V and when I said it she told me that she was also lesbian. And she said she will be there for me no matter what it is. So I was relieved… (F/17/Lesbian)

Story #2003

When I came out it was just before Thanksgiving, and this was the last I would be at home before leaving for basic training. I knew that I needed to tell them beforehand and didn’t wanna make the holidays awkward. I told my dad first when we sat in the car while my mom shopped. He was always very open about how he felt about gay people so I was concerned, but he actually responded very calmly and positively. Later that night I told my mom and she couldn’t talk… just held her head in her hands and didn’t say anything. To be fair she has anxiety (just like me) so I probably overwhelmed her, and afterwards she came into my room and we had a long talk about how it didn’t matter and I just needed to go into the world and be happy. Overall pretty positive. (M/17/Gay)

Story #2002

When I came out the day before my birthday because I felt I needed to get things off my chest to grow up even more, my mom and I were sitting on my bed talking about like or whatever and all of a sudden I said, “Mom, I have something really important to tell you but don’t freak out.” She was like, “Go on,” and I started telling her, “I prefer boys over girls, I am into boys.” She immediately replied, “How do you know that? You’ve never gotten into a relationship with a girl, am I right ? So I think you should give them a try before doing anything else.” I tried to make her understand that I will never change, I was born this way and kept telling her I had never opted for this… At the end, she said, “I made you, not your heart, you’re able to love whoever you want, I will always love you.” (M/18/Gay)

Story #2001

When I came out, I was 14. I have only come out to like two people as of right now, but my best friend is gay and I have known about myself being bisexual for a long time, I just was too scared to come out. I texted my friend and I basically just told him that I’m bisexual and I haven’t told anyone and I’m scared to tell anyone because I’m super afraid of being bullied and also, my grandpa is a Baptist church pastor and Baptists don’t really agree with that kind of stuff. He was so supportive; he said, “I’m so sorry, honey, I really don’t know what to say. Just know that I love you anyway and if you ever need to talk abt it let me know. It is very hard to come out, don’t try to come out unless you’re sure.” I started crying and since then, I’ve made a lot more friends in the LGBTQ+ group. I manage soccer and he manages with me, the coach is lesbian, and two of the other managers are also bisexual, so I feel like I have a lot of support coming from the people who know. I just don’t feel like I can come out to my parents. (F/15/Bisexual)

Story #2000

When I came out this month I cried a lot. My anxiety was begging me to do something about my entire life, because I accumulated a lot of issues and was having a lot of crisis and panic attacks through the year (of course realising I’m trans last year and having to deal with dysphoria wasn’t being helpful). I sat down and cried it all out with the only person I ever trusted with my life, my ex-boyfriend. He said he was fine with it (and even said he never stopped loving me!). He came out as pansexual and we both agreed on being best friends and tell everything to each other. I even told him that when I finally start taking T shots and officially change my name we can try something again, haha! I am still waiting to come out to my mom and my sister. I know they will accept at some point, but as I live in a country that’s specially dangerous to LGBTQ+ people, I’ll wait a bit more. Wish me luck! (Male [FTM]/16/Bisexual)

Story #1999

When I came out to my friends it wasn’t super high stakes because like half of my lunch table is LGBTQIA+ and the rest either don’t really care about sexualities or are super supportive. I had already been questioning if I was bi but nope I’m a lesbian!! My ace friend is getting me a flag on amazon cuz I obviously can’t ask my parents for it yet cuz I’m not out to them. I’m hoping once the flag comes I can be a dramatic girl and come out of the closet (literally) wearing my pride flag when my parents get home! (F/13/Lesbian)

Story #1998

When I came out as lesbian to my mom, she was very accepting of my identity and shared this information with some of my family. When I answered a call from my sister (who’s bisexual) later that month, she greeted me with “Congratulations on coming ooouuut!” I was fine with my mom telling people about my sexual orientation, but the one person I did not want finding out was my dad, since he was a little homophobic. When my mom told him, I was panicking really hard and frankly even a little angry with her, but then she told me that he went to a Pride Parade after learning I was gay just so he could understand and support the LGBT+ a little better. My dad has some homophobic views, yes, but his love for his daughter won out over that, and I was incredibly happy to hear that. I have not come out to everyone I know yet, but I’ll know when the time is right. (F/Lesbian)

Story #1997

When I came out I was in 8th or 9th grade and I had told my family that I was gay, and then I finally figured out that I was bisexual one or two years later. I never thought that I would be bisexual because I was never taught about being gay and bisexual at home or at school. (Non-binary/18/Bisexual)

Story #1996

When I came out it was first to my best friend who has lesbian parents so I knew she’d be accepting. We were walking around her neighbourhood and we sat on a bench and I finally worked up the courage to tell her: “You know how you asked me if I liked anyone but didn’t specify the gender? Well, it was a girl.” She was obviously very accepting and later came out to me. She is helping me come out to even more people and is still my best friend. (F/Gay)

Story #1995

When I came out, I was sitting in church at a Christian youth camp together with a friend. My sexuality had been on my mind for most of the week and at a certain moment I couldn’t hold it in any longer; after the service I asked my friend for a hug and broke down crying. In tears, I told her that I thought I might be into girls and she reacted very positively. I repeated this the next day with a guy I had met on that camp, who then came out to me as well! It was a great relief to finally be able to talk about it, especially with someone who was in the same boat as me. (F/19/Bi)