Story #2018

When I came out to my best friend I was 19 years old, the day before my birthday. I wanted to be more free, you know what I mean? Well, I just told her I wanted to go out for a coffee. We started talking and suddenly I was speechless; she was the first person ever that I was just coming out to. She asked me what was going on, and I almost had an anxiety attack, it was just too much for me. All my life I was told homosexuality was a sin, so I started believing that for a second. The moment I told her I was bi, she just hugged me and told me nothing was going to change. (M/23/Bisexual)

Story #2017

When I came out to my mother, she took it very well because she is more open-minded and accepting. We just got back from shopping at Walmart and as we parked in the driveway of her home, I stopped and said, “Mom, I’m gay”. She looked at me as if she weren’t surprised and said, “I already knew that. Now help me get the groceries out of the car”. It may have taken some time for others to accept me, but it has been worth the life to live because I am finally ME. (M/21/Homosexual)

Story #2016

When I came out I felt like I could actually be myself. The process of coming out was bittersweet because my parents are divorced and I knew one would take it better than the other so I came out to my mom and dad on two different days. While my dad and I were on our way to church it took all of the strength and courage to say the words “I’m gay”. As the words left my mouth the tears started to slowly slide down my face because I knew his standing point on LGBTQ. We had a very long battle for 4 years because I wasn’t willing to settle for someone I am not. I am now proud to say that he loves me for who I am, as well as my husband. (M/21/Homosexual)

Story #2015

When I came out I was 11; I’m now 12. People say I’m confused, and that it’s a phase. I’ve known I was a lesbian for years now but was too afraid to come out. My family is very religious (Catholic) and extremely homophobic. My mother mocked me daily after my “coming out” and my parents divorced because my father didn’t want a lesbian daughter. My classmates supported me unconditionally and my teacher even set up a pride group! I even have a girlfriend now and I pretty much live at her house. (F/12/Lesbian)

Story #2014

When I came out it was 2007 and I was 27 years old, though I’d known I was gay since I was about 12. I came out to my best (girl) friend first… she was amazing… Next was my childhood buddy (more like a brother). He was great to me, but slightly freaked out. Then I told my mom, who I always thought would be my “champion”, and she freaked out and called my dad… and my father, the supreme jock, the masculine supreme, accepted me straight up for who I was and told me to stop worrying about being myself!!! So… don’t hold back for people you think may be “disappointed”, do you… the lovers will always love! (M/39/Gay)

Story #2013

When I came out, I wrote a letter with my parents explaining that I wasn’t straight because I was too scared to do it in person. They reacted by writing me a letter back and putting it on my bed. It said that they loved and supported me, and while reading it burst into tears of relief. (F/13)

Story #2012

When I came out to my mom it was two weeks before Christmas. I told her I was pansexual and she asked me what that meant. After I told her what it meant she told me that she loves me no matter what and as long as I was happy she would be okay with it. I told my brother before anyone else; he told me that he didn’t care as long as I was happy he was okay with it. He also told me that I would still be his sister no matter who I loved. I told my sister after my mom; she said she always that she knew and that she still loved me the same. I haven’t told my dad though; one day I will tell him and the rest of my family that I’m pansexual but that’s nowhere near soon. (F/13/Pansexual)

Story #2011

When I first “came out” to my gay guy friend, he tried to convince me that I should come out to my mom. I told him I wanted to but I was really scared to do so. My parents are divorced so I don’t care if my dad knows. I chickened out on the idea of coming out to my mom and two years later she found out on her own. I’m bisexual, and my mom found out when I was 13, last year. She thinks it’s a phase but she still loves me. Then I came out with my best friend and she was super supportive and really awesome about it. I’m considering coming out to the world in 2020, so wish me luck! (F/14/Bisexual)

Story #2010

When I came out, it was first to my best friends at my lunch table. They were very supportive, as many of them were members of the LGBTQ+ community. After that, I started putting gay (you know: rainbow hearts, love is love pins, the like) on my backpack. I still hadn’t come out to my parents so they were a little surprised to see those pins on my bag. One day I walked in and my parents said they wanted to talk. I had been working up the courage to talk to them and tell them but it was right then I knew it was time to. I told them that I had realized that I liked both boys and girls and I hoped that they could accept me as I was. That when my mom told me that she was actually bisexual as well and that before she had met my dad, she went out with several women in college. That helped me know that I could trust my mom and my dad with anything I was feeling, about anyone, and I count them as not just my parents, but two of my best friends. (M/16/Bi)

Story #2009

When I came out, it was to my friends. I was super nervous so instead of saying that I was trans I just kind of said, “By the way, I’m a guy.” Everyone was super supportive and all of them are LGBT+. I also came out to my dance teacher and my history teacher, both of whom are very supportive. I haven’t come out to my transphobic parents yet, but I plan to come out on New Year’s as my resolution. I’m pretty nervous but also excited. (M/13/FtM/gay/panromantic)