Story #2010

When I came out, it was first to my best friends at my lunch table. They were very supportive, as many of them were members of the LGBTQ+ community. After that, I started putting gay (you know: rainbow hearts, love is love pins, the like) on my backpack. I still hadn’t come out to my parents so they were a little surprised to see those pins on my bag. One day I walked in and my parents said they wanted to talk. I had been working up the courage to talk to them and tell them but it was right then I knew it was time to. I told them that I had realized that I liked both boys and girls and I hoped that they could accept me as I was. That when my mom told me that she was actually bisexual as well and that before she had met my dad, she went out with several women in college. That helped me know that I could trust my mom and my dad with anything I was feeling, about anyone, and I count them as not just my parents, but two of my best friends. (M/16/Bi)