Story #2001

When I came out, I was 14. I have only come out to like two people as of right now, but my best friend is gay and I have known about myself being bisexual for a long time, I just was too scared to come out. I texted my friend and I basically just told him that I’m bisexual and I haven’t told anyone and I’m scared to tell anyone because I’m super afraid of being bullied and also, my grandpa is a Baptist church pastor and Baptists don’t really agree with that kind of stuff. He was so supportive; he said, “I’m so sorry, honey, I really don’t know what to say. Just know that I love you anyway and if you ever need to talk abt it let me know. It is very hard to come out, don’t try to come out unless you’re sure.” I started crying and since then, I’ve made a lot more friends in the LGBTQ+ group. I manage soccer and he manages with me, the coach is lesbian, and two of the other managers are also bisexual, so I feel like I have a lot of support coming from the people who know. I just don’t feel like I can come out to my parents. (F/15/Bisexual)