Story #1309

When I came out to my best friend, she was very accepting. After that I got more depressed with myself. The only thing that helps to make me feel better is to tell someone new. I know that telling my parents along with the world is going to be a big ask, but it is the only thing that could free me from this constant pain. I feel powerless, but I know I am resilient. (M/15/Gay)

Story #1308

When I came out to my best friend I was actually not expecting to come out to her that day. We were talking about other stuff and she said to me that she was bi and then I laughed so hard and right after I told her I was gay. We laughed so much. And to think I had written many texts trying to tell her I was gay and never the thought that she also likes girls crossed my mind… Funny!!!

Story #1306

When I came out, my friend and I were talking about how to react if a friend came out as homo, bi or trans. She simply said: “I wouldn’t care, cause I’m bi myself. (No pun intended.)” I was like, “Yeah, me too” and then we smiled 🙂

Story #1311

When I came out it was at a sleepover with 4 other friends, and one asked me if I was actually gay and I said yes. Then he asked if I came out to my parents, and I said no and he said he was honored to be one of the first I told. It was the best feeling I’ve ever had after I said yes and they were accepting. Unfortunately I don’t think my parents will be as accepting. (This happened yesterday.) (14/Gay)

Story #1305

When I came out, it was during a vacation to the beach. My parents and I were at a restaurant, talking, having a good time. Then I started to ease in to that sentence we all know about. I told them I was asexual, and the only thing that came out of both of their mouths was “No. You are straight.” We’ve never talked about it again. (M/13/Asexual)

Story #1304

When I came out to my best friend, she was scrolling through Amazon and said she would buy a shirt that said, “Nobody knows I’m a lesbian” so that the guys would leave her alone. So I went like: “Hey, you know what? I could actually wear that shirt.”

Story #1303

When I came out to my mother I was sitting on the couch. She asked me if I liked boys and I said no. Then she started comparing me to our neighbour, who is gay. That was really awkward, but I’m happy she stopped asking about boys now.

Story #1302

When I came out, my friend and I were walking to 7-11. She said the word “straight” and I couldn’t resist making a gay joke. Waiting to come out to anyone else until I have a reason to (ex. I start dating/get married, another opportunity for a pun pops up). (She/her/17/Lesbian)

Story #1301

When I came out to my mom, the conversation went as follows.
Me: “I’m bi.”
Mom: “That doesn’t surprise me. Me too.”
Best response I could have wished for ^^

Story #1300

When I came out to my best friend, I knew I had to do it. I let a slip of my tongue by hinting about my crush on this guy and she asked, “Ooh so I see you like him,” and it was pretty obvious but I denied it on the spot since I wasn’t out yet but two days afterwards I came out and she wasn’t surprised but instead she felt bad that she thought she was the one who made me doubt my own sexuality, No, kiddo, I’ve been gay since I could remember hahaha. At least I have her support.