Story #1298

When I came out, I posted an Instragram of me wearing Bi Pride colored lipstick for National Coming Out Day. My sister walked out of her room a few minutes later asking what this was. I explained and she started sobbing. She kept proclaiming, “You’re not bi! Stop saying that! I know you’re not!” She then proceeded to tell me that I can’t possibly be bisexual and have a healthy relationship with God because “the Bible tells us it’s a sin and you’re choosing to do this.” I left and stayed the night at a friend’s house, and now we barely speak to each other.

Story #1297

When I came out, I was with my friend at my house because she rode the wrong bus home. We were in the basement playing on the Xbox and I said, “[Her name], I need to tell you something.” She said, “What, do you have a crush? Are you moving? Are you coming out?” (We have this running gag that I’m Lady Lesbian.) I said, “Actually yeah, I’m bi.” Then she came out to me as bi right after! (F/12/Bisexual)

Story #1296

When I came out I was with my whole family for Christmas. The day after they all disowned me and I got kicked out of my house. So I’m staying with a friend for like 2 years now. (16/Lesbian)

Story #1295

When I came out to my friends, I posted on Instagram and Snapchat that I’m gay for National Coming Out Day. I’ve gotten a pretty positive response from everyone and most were really surprised. (F/14/Panromantic ace)

Story #1294

When I came out as bi to my best friend, I didn’t know if she even supported lgbtq+ rights. She came out as asexual as a reply. I’m so happy that I finally have another lgbtq+ friend.

Story #1293

When I came out, it was to a girl who I was close friends with that I really trusted, and that I also had a bit of a crush on. Since my family and a lot of my friends are homophobic, I was really nervous, so I was talking to her one day and I managed to stutter out, “I…um…I think I’m bisexual…”. She smiled at me, and then casually mentioned that she was too.

Story #1292

When I came out to my best friends (three of them and one of whom was my crush), one of them was perfectly fine with it, as she was bi like me, and one was very biphobic. The third, who was my crush, asked me out on the spot and we’ve been dating for a year. (F/Bisexual)

Story #1291

When I came out, I had been anxious and stressing about it for days. Finally, when my mom was in the shower, I cracked the door open and said, “Mom? Would you hate me if I felt transgender?” She said, “No, why would I hate you?” I begin HRT in a couple of weeks (MtF/just turned 16).

Story #1290

When I came out I was in the car with two of my sisters parked at Burger King. I asked them if they thought our parents would ever disown us for anything and they told me that if one of us was lgbtq+ or if we got an abortion. I started crying and my sisters asked me how long I had known and when they should make the appointment for. They thought I was pregnant. Haha nope, I’m just your very lesbian, super gay, rainbow sister. (F/16/Lesbian)

Story #1289

When I came out to my friend, it was an accident. I have a crush on this girl at school, and when the school day ended, I wanted to go find my crush to say bye to her before we left, so I asked my friend (who knows I’m a lesbian) if she could help me find her. We ended up going over to my other friend to ask her if she knew where my crush was, and that was when my friend mentioned me having a crush on the girl, without realizing that my other friend didn’t know. She asked me if I was bi and I said no. She then asked me if I was gay and I said yes, and she then gave me a big hug. She took it really well and is now helping me get closer to my crush. I’m so happy to have such supportive friends. (12/Lesbian)