Story #2490

When I came out to my friend, we were in the hallway walking after a club meeting. I’d had a raging crush on another girl for a really long time, and she’d gotten a boyfriend, which broke my heart, so I knew I needed someone to talk to about it. Plus I considered this friend my “therapist” so I realized she had to know. As we were walking, the first thing I thought I had to clear up was the fact that I’m not straight. So I kinda whispered it, and when she shouted “WHAT?” in a mostly empty hallway. I got scared that she might be homophobic or something. Still I said, “Yeah, I’m not straight.” She calmed down and said, “Oh yeah, I know. I thought you said you were and I got confused.” Definitely not how I thought that would go. 😂 (F/Pansexual)