Story #1990

When I came out I was 27 and in an online long-distance relationship with a man whom I was about to meet for the first time in two years (no video chat back then). Feeling confused and trapped at the thought of an IRL interaction, I first told my counselor (who is lesbian) hoping she would help me figure out what was wrong with me but surprisingly, she mocked me. So, upon the return of a blunderingly exhausting trip of avoiding his advances in every way and once again being able to hide behind the safety of my computer monitor, I ungracefully told him that I was attracted to a whole list of actresses and cowardly asked if he understood what that meant. Obviously he got very angry, told me I was wasting his time, that the last two years had meant nothing, and that I was not trying hard enough to love him. We never spoke again but I hope he found real love and is happy. (F/50/Lesbian)