Story #1989

When I came out I told many of my friends. They either support me or don’t care; most support me though. I plan in making a LGBTQ club in my school soon, to show people there is a safe place to come for LGBTQ people. I bought two LGBTQ+ flags, one of LGBTQ and one bisexual one. I had the LGBTQ one hanging in the center of my room and I accidentally left my door open; my mom actually saw it and asked about it, if I knew what it meant and if I was any of those, and I explained I was bisexual and that I was terrified to tell cause I thought she wouldn’t accept me and she accepted me. I started to break into tears hearing she was OK with it. I’m bringing my bisexual flag to my dad and seeing what happens after that. (F/13/Bisexual)