Story #1962

When I came out in 1974, when I was 9, I was watching a documentary about a Transsexual woman when I realised what I was. I told my mum, who said, “Talk to your father.” He was a homophobe, and I was very scared. I kept my feelings inside for many years, also because I preferred girls over boys, so I was so confused. This is my second time around living as a Female. (Trans Female/54/TransBian)

Story #1958

When I came out, I told my best friend I was bi. After years of constant tears and struggling with who I am, she yanked it out of me. As the words came out, that overwhelming feeling of sadness and anxiety vanished. I finally felt like I could breathe. I was free and happy. Over time I told many more friends and my parents. I would always begin crying, scared of rejection, but end in relief and happiness. I know that I am not bi, but a lesbian. I need to learn to accept myself as others have accepted me. (F/21/Lesbian)

Story #1956

When I came out I clapped my hands to “If you’re gay and you know it, clap your hands.” My friends didn’t believe me at first but I confirmed it. I was unable to focus on the rest of my classes, but I am now relieved. I plan on telling more of my friends soon. (F/14/Gay/lesbian)

Story #1952

When I came out it was the last day of the term, when I told my mum I was bisexual. She was very supportive and helpful, which was good. A few weeks later, I realised I was lesbian, so I came out again. She offered to tell my dad, and I said she could. I’m happy that I’m out to my parents and hope I can come out to the rest of my family and my school.

Story #1949

When I came out to my parents (about half a year ago now) it wasn’t planned. I’d been planning for several years to go to a university of technology, so I’d often heard jokes about there being so many boys that they’d be fighting about me. Then one day we were in the kitchen preparing dinner, talking/joking about what I did at school when I wasn’t paying attention. My dad said, “Talking with your friends about boys you like” and I said, “About that; I’m a lesbian.” They were surprised (so much that some of the food got burnt :p) but supporting, my mother hugged me and said she’s proud. (F/18/Lesbian)

Story #1947

When I came out I told my new best friend I’m 50% sure I like girls. She was okay with it and said her sister was too and told me it was good I came out. A year later I am preparing an English presentation and I’m about to tell about 30 students I’m gay and I’m not ashamed! (F/16/Lesbian)

Story #1945

When I came out, my best friend and I were eating lunch in the middle of the crowded cafeteria. I couldn’t tell anyone else I was a lesbian, because my family is not exactly accepting, but I felt suffocated with my secret. I told him under my breath, giggling with nervousness, and at the fact that I was doing this in the middle of lunch. He laughed and told me he supported me, and we moved on. I was the first person he came out as gay to, so it felt very full circle for him to be the first person I came out to. (F/Lesbian)

Story #1944

When I came out I was 15. It was to my best friend. I thought I was Bi and she came out to me too. But at that time I was still going to high school in a small town, and I was with a family that wouldn’t have been supportive. So I didn’t tell anyone until I got to college, where I came out as Bi again, to my best friend and then later my adopted family. But then, after starting to date a girl, I realized I was a lesbian. I only surround myself with people who support me now, because for a long time I was around people who didn’t. (F/20/Lesbian)

Story #1940

When I came out, I was eating with my mum. We had a huge fight about why gay people have a bit of freedom now and why there isn’t a straight pride month or parade… I honestly regret coming out to her. She apparently keeps forgetting I’m a lesbian too cause all she asks me about is boys and gets really quiet and mad when I talk about my girlfriend. I may just go back into the closet. (F/12/Lesbian)

Story #1928

When I came out it was to my sister, and I didn’t plan it at all. She just mentioned to me that she was bi, so I told her I was lesbian. I’m glad to say that she was very accepting. I’ve told two close friends since then, and they’ve been accepting as well. However, I have no intentions of telling my homophobic parents until I’m at least out of the house (sorry, Mom, no conversion therapy for me). (F/15/Lesbian)