When I came out as bi to my friends they were all so happy for me and showered me with support and love. Later on I realized I was actually gay. I really wanted to tell my parents but I was so scared how they would react; one day it became too much to hold in so a wrote them a note explaining to them that I was gay. The next day my parents told me they loved me and supported me no matter what. I felt so relieved after. (M/16/Gay)
Story #2003
When I came out it was just before Thanksgiving, and this was the last I would be at home before leaving for basic training. I knew that I needed to tell them beforehand and didn’t wanna make the holidays awkward. I told my dad first when we sat in the car while my mom shopped. He was always very open about how he felt about gay people so I was concerned, but he actually responded very calmly and positively. Later that night I told my mom and she couldn’t talk… just held her head in her hands and didn’t say anything. To be fair she has anxiety (just like me) so I probably overwhelmed her, and afterwards she came into my room and we had a long talk about how it didn’t matter and I just needed to go into the world and be happy. Overall pretty positive. (M/17/Gay)
Story #2002
When I came out the day before my birthday because I felt I needed to get things off my chest to grow up even more, my mom and I were sitting on my bed talking about like or whatever and all of a sudden I said, “Mom, I have something really important to tell you but don’t freak out.” She was like, “Go on,” and I started telling her, “I prefer boys over girls, I am into boys.” She immediately replied, “How do you know that? You’ve never gotten into a relationship with a girl, am I right ? So I think you should give them a try before doing anything else.” I tried to make her understand that I will never change, I was born this way and kept telling her I had never opted for this… At the end, she said, “I made you, not your heart, you’re able to love whoever you want, I will always love you.” (M/18/Gay)
Story #1996
When I came out it was first to my best friend who has lesbian parents so I knew she’d be accepting. We were walking around her neighbourhood and we sat on a bench and I finally worked up the courage to tell her: “You know how you asked me if I liked anyone but didn’t specify the gender? Well, it was a girl.” She was obviously very accepting and later came out to me. She is helping me come out to even more people and is still my best friend. (F/Gay)
Story #1987
When I came out, I was 12. This still makes me cringe, but it was 11PM and I was bored and was watching coming out videos. I was feeling brave and since my sister was asleep I just texted her that I was gay so she could see it in the morning. There was some awkward tension at first but we never really talk about it. (M/13/Gay)
Story #1986
When I came out yesterday night it was to my best friend (who I have known for 7 years). On Instagram I wrote to him telling him I was gay. I switched off the phone and went to bed, but didn’t get much sleep cause my heart was racing. When I woke up the first thing I did was see his message. I was scared thinking I would lose him, but once again I underestimated his awesomeness. He was truly supportive and I am happy to have him in my life. Thanks. (M/15/Gay)
Story #1984
When I came out to my father I was basically disowned. He had been using the possibility of me being gay as a vicious point scoring tirade against my mother during a drawn out and violent divorce. On the day they separated and we all moved out and away, I ended up in a heated argument with him, which lead to me saying in effect I was gay. He said I was no son of his and was siding with my mother. I hardly saw him after that as could not cope with the pain of the divorce and maybe because I felt massively rejected. I never had a chance to reconcile or further discuss the issue as he died a few years later. When I tried coming out to my mother I remembered her crying secretly and also during a conversation about my coming out to a friend while I was in the same house. I still don’t know if he fully understands or accepts I’m gay. (M/45/Gay)
Story #1980
When I came out it was to my mum one night. I hadn’t planned it but she asked if there was anything on my mind and I couldn’t keep it in any longer. I tried to tell her but I couldn’t say the words so I made her guess and I just nodded my head. We talked about it for 40 minutes and she said that she loved and supported me but it would take her a bit of time to be comfortable with it. My dad isn’t the next person I want to tell; hopefully that will go well too. (M/17/Gay)
Story #1979
When I came out I was 12, almost half a year ago… This was to one of my old friends through call since I had moved away a year ago. She was very accepting and then convinced me to come out to my crush at the time, who then tried to convince me to come out my parents but that was really hard. I ended up doing it, then I came out to my whole school. I only got a few blocks on social media but now I am known as the gay kid and that makes me happy. (M/13/Gay)
Story #1973
When I came out 6 months ago as gay to my parents, I’d made a plan to tell them that I was gay for 7 months, so in this year’s summer holidays I finally came out. It was pretty hard because my mother was in shock but my father was really accepting. After at least 5 conversations with them, they are finally accepting me the way I am, but my mom asked me not to tell everyone else. She doesn’t know that they were the last I’m coming out to. I came out to my friend and class 8 months ago and they were so lovely; everyone accepted and supports me the way I am. (M/16/Gay)