When I came out to my brother, he was super supportive and wonderful. He had followed my tumblr for a while, so he suspected I liked girls but was waiting for me to tell him when I was ready.
Story #1193
When I came out to my crush, she smiled and said she was lesbian as well. Then she kissed me on the cheek and said she was hoping we could fall in love.
Best day of my life. (F/16/Lesbian)
Story #1190
When I came out I was walking with my gay cousin down a dark road at 10 o’clock at night. I’d never even admitted it to myself, but I told him I’m not straight, and we became super close after that because rather than just being a straight-ally, I was a non-het in a super religious family with him. I felt sick for a while after, but now I’m coming more to terms with it. I plan on telling my best friend next. (F/17)
Story #1185
When I came out to my friend, it was over email. I was scared she was going to judge me, but to my surprise, she said she was bisexual too! Now I am more confident about coming out to my homophobic parents. (F/13/Bisexual)
Story #1180
When I came out… it was actually an accident. My dad was checking through my phone and saw my notes on my phone about my concern that I was gay. They were pretty awkward about the subject for about 4 months but now it’s been a year and I feel great! (F/14/Gay)
Story #1179
When I came out, my friends thought it was awkward and weird. Our friendship kinda cracked and they don’t talk to me anymore. It’s kind of sad. (13/Lesbian)
Story #1177
When I came out, it was to five girls at a sleepover at 3am. Turns out one is bi. They all took it great! (13/Lesbian)
Story #1176
When I came out, it was to my best friend. I sent her a picture of “Bismuth” (Bi) on the periodic table and wrote “I am” before it. She said she still loves me and that was it. Nothing has changed; it’s like nothing happened. (F/14/Bisexual)
Story #1175
When I came out to my friend of almost 10 years it was to tell her that I liked her. When I told her, she asked if I was joking. I said no. She said that nothing will change and I hope that they don’t. If she ever sees this I want her to know that I love her.
Story #1174
When I came out, I told my best guy friend first (I’m a girl). He said that he knew since we first met a year ago. Everyone thought I had a crush on him but he knew they were wrong. He still loves me and has been a great support!