When I came out, it was back in June-ish of 2024. It was a youth camp thing and it was 11 at night and all the girls in my tent were just talking and for some reason the topic of queer people came up and all at the same time four of the six people in the tent cautiously came out as some form of LGBT, which I find hilarious looking back on it. I always suspected they’d be chill with me queer but not queer themselves. Anyway, that was back when I thought I was bi, but have since realized I am abrosexual and transmasc. I still haven’t come out to my homophobic and transphobic parents, but my pals always have my back. (Demiboy/Abrosexual)
Story #2602
When I came out… I always thought I was gay but something else was bugging me. Everyone knew I was gay and just paid it no mind. After hours of research, I found a sexuality I could nestle onto for a while: aroace. I don’t know how to come out to people or even my Christian parents. Wish someone could help. I have a gay gang but I don’t know what to do. I build relationships on mutual love (such as trust, love and respect) and whatnot. I prefer men, but there’s always a lot more to research. (Demiboy/13/Aroace)
Story #2595
When I came out, it wasn’t really planned. I was on my PC in my gaming room; me and a mate were talking about my orientation while we were gaming. While we were doing so I didn‘t hear my dad coming home from work and probably listen to our conversation. Later while we were eating dinner he asked me if I was bisexual. He looked at me with that expression he would usually use when I did something wrong. He kept on asking until I gave in and told him that I was demiboy and pansexual. He was confused at first so I had to explain it to him. I didn’t expect him to be this supportive but he was. He even told me he would buy me my flags and learn more about Lgbt so he can take part in my conversations. (M He/they/15/Pan)
Story #2570
When I came out, I think everyone knew. From a young age I always showed affection for females and males in media, and not following their attractiveness of tropes. I always needed to feel a deep connection with the character through development of their personitude in storytelling. When I was young, I met my bestest friend. I immediately fell in love, fawning over her for years. When I told my mother, she smiled and told me she would support me no matter who I wanted to be, or who I loved. At this point in my life, I identify as demisexual and demiromantic. Although I am assigned female at birth, I prefer he/they pronouns… Sadly I have only come out about that part of my identity to a small group of friends who were supportive; however, I am not in contact with them anymore. (Demiboy/16/Demiromantic/demisexual)
Story #2564
When I came out, it was through text to my dad. I had been “out” to my friends in school, but never came out until that day. I was on vacation with my mom and built up the courage to send a coming out text to my dad. He was supportive, and we spoke more about it when I came back, but I made the mistake of saying I wasn’t bothered by my birth name and she/her (true) so now I have to build up the courage (and grow an year older, he said I was probably too young to be sure, which hurt a little, but he’s trying) to ask him to call me by my new name and pronouns and get a binder lol (Demiboy trans FtM/13/Omni/demiromantic)
Story #2563
When I came out, I was 21 and identified as demiromantic and a demiboy. Everything was hard and heartbreaking when my mom and dad said that they only wanted a cisgender and heterosexual son, not some abomination. My friends were even worse and called me rude names and left. Nowadays, I try to have a good time. I joined a Pride Group on Facebook and I’m supported by numerous people and I love it; however, I don’t talk to my family and its hard, but I know I’m accepted by my community. (Demiboy/30/Demiromantic)
Story #2539
When I came out, a few of my friends and I were chatting away in study hall. One of my friends said that we should play a blooket, which is this educational and kid-version of Kahoot. We all played it and got bored of it after ten minutes. After that, we played Spill the Tea, which is me and my friend’s version of secret spilling. When it was my turn, I told my friends I was abrosexual and I was questioning my gender. My friends squealed and hugged me and supported me, while this group of Christian football players insulted me and called me a disgrace to God. I started to cry when my best friend, who was lesbian, started shouting at them. Ever since then, I had a minor condition of anxiety issues, but now I’m happy with the way I am. Also, I now identify as a demiboy but who knows what’ll happen next! (Demiboy/14/Abrosexual)
Story #2373
When I came out as transgender the only one who I felt believed me was my brother. Everyone else said they did but acted like I was still a girl and just a tomboy. One of my bff said I will always be a girl but she just doesn’t understand. My ex best friend yelled at me that I was sinning. To this day she still makes fun of me. It really is hard. (Demiboy/Queer)
Story #2355
When I came out I was sitting in a chair at a mental hospital. I had been suicidal and got admitted. The fear of coming out was so crippling that I thought I couldn’t do it, but I did. My parents, over the phone, said nothing at first. It was awkward, and I was miserable. But when I got home things changed and now I am happily “out”. It’s not something we talk about a lot, but they know, and I know they love me still. (Demiboy/16/Gynesexual)
Story #2300
When I came out I was ashamed of who I was. I’d switched from demigirl, to agender, and then finally to demiboy. It was a process of letting go of the femininity I despised in myself and accepting the masculinity. I didn’t want to admit that I was partially male, because I didn’t even like men. I realized it was just an internalized hatred and accepted myself. I have been happier ever since. (Demiboy/15/Gay)