Story #2207

When I came out to my sister as Nonbinary, she accepted me right away and asked me for my pronouns. I told her the pronouns were they/them. She told me she could help me with the money for bottom surgery, and I’ve been thankful ever since! (Nonbinary/demiboy/12/Bisexual/pansexual/asexual)

Story #2189

When I came out I was scared and felt no one would understand me, but when I finally did my best friend came out too! School came and I told everyone I went by Alex and they/he pronouns. I just recently came out to my stepparent and am very close to coming out to my mom. I have a boyfriend right now who is very supporting. I’m slowly cutting out toxic people and coming out to everyone else. (Demiboy/nonbinary/14/Pansexual)

Story #2111

When I came out I had a few friends I was out to and wanted to tell more, so when one of my friends came out to me, I felt a safe-space was with her. Big mistake for me. I told her (who I no longer trust) and another friend (who is very nice and is still my friend today, very accepting) after school one day and the next I have one of my friends coming up to me saying, “I didn’t know you were bi!” and I freak out. I played it cool, as if I meant for this to happen, trying to make sure others didn’t hear (I had some homophobic “friends” at the time), while having a panic attack and the friend I came out to the day before smirking. I asked her why she told the person who I hadn’t trusted with this secret yet and she told me that I should have told her sooner and that “I just helped you, you had to do it soon.” Later she became VERY homophobic and transphobic and made jokes about being gay, in a very homophobic way. Luckily know I have better friends and she is no longer near me. (Demiboy/Pan/demi)

Story #1212

When I came out, everyone was super supportive of me being bisexual. I’ve changed my sexuality a bunch of times. But I’m still not sure if I should come out to my parents… (Genderfluid demiboy/15/Asexual panromantic)