Story #2555

When I came out I was 16 or 17 my parents were super religious and conservative, and I never felt like a girl. All my friends were a bit edgy about me being trans and being bisexual; that was because I went to a Christian school where there were only a few queers. The only one who supported me was my teacher, because she had two sons: one was trans, like me, and the other was pansexual. The teacher was very kind and she was like a second mom to me. I transitioned and received top surgery two and a half years ago and kept my female organs because I wanted to hold a child. (Transgender Male/FtM/24/Bisexual)

Story #2543

When I came out a few years ago, I knew that I was male, but out of fear I convinced myself that my feelings weren’t valid and that I was saying I was male just for the attention. This fear was reenforced when I came out to my mother (at the time identifying as non-binary for the previously mentioned reasons). I told her how I felt more comfortable dressing in a suit and tie and how being referred to as a girl caused me a lot of anxiety and depression because this was not who I knew myself to be. She told me that God gave her a girl and that God never told her to let me wear a suit and be like a boy. Since then, I’ve come out as a trans male and she’s slowly becoming a little more accepting, but I still feel nervous when talking to her about anything gender related because what she said to me all those years ago is still with me today. (M/17/Bisexual)

Story #2542

When I came out, my dad was full of anger. (My mom passed away when I was 12.) He kept calling me a disgrace to our family and that I was a mistake. I was heartbroken because I thought being bisexual would be OK to my dad, which now I know it isn’t. My dad still doesn’t support me and always talks bad about me to his friends and our family members. After a few months, I couldn’t hold my anger anymore and I confronted my dad and told him that HE was a disgrace for being hateful and rude. Me and my dad got into a heated argument that night, so I packed my things and I went to my grandparents’ (they live in the next neighborhood) and stayed the night there. My grandparents are extremely supportive and caring, so they were enraged when they found out what my dad said about me. To this day, me and my dad still don’t get along and every time I think about what happened, I burst into tears. Nowadays, I try my best to ignore my father. It hurts but I don’t want to ruin our bond even further. (F/16/Bisexual)

Story #2531

When I came out to my boyfriend I was so nervous. I am biologically female, but I identify as He/They. He told me that he is supportive no matter what, and that he’ll love me just the same. I was so happy. He asked me what to call me, he’s told his family, and he’s been helping me out tremendously.  If your partner truly loves you, they will accept you for who you are! If they don’t, then they’re not worth it. (Non-binary/male/16/Bisexual)

Story #2522

When I came out to my best friend, who is straight, via text I was unsure whether he would accept me or not. He was going through a rough time and I always tried to be there for him (as good friends should); during some of our conversations he assured me that if I ever had something that I would want to talk about I could just reach out. That night, we had been texting for a long time already. I wrote down all my thoughts on my notes app, took the chance, and decided to send it to him. I remember shaking as my phone vibrated but after reading his response I felt a strong sensation of relief: he accepted me. If you had asked me half a year earlier I never would have believed that I would have gotten the courage to tell him or anybody for that matter. I’m thankful for having a friend like him. (M/17/Bisexual)

Story #2514

When I came out to my (homophobic) parents I did it with a crossword puzzle. I left it for them before I went to school, so they would do it when I wasn’t around. Of course they waited until I was home to solve it. They told me they still love me. They said, ‘Everyone has challenges in this life, this is yours,’ and my mom was like, ‘Are you sure about this? I mean sometimes these things…’ We all know she was about to say, sometimes these things go away. (F/14/Bisexual)

Story #2508

When I came out, it was on my Snapchat story: I wrote “Happy Pride Month” and drew a pride flag. I got a lot of people in the following week asking if I was in the Community. One person even told me they were “glad I was experimenting”. It was the first time I encountered biphobia and it stung (I didn’t even realize how much it affected me until later that night). I call myself gay a lot, and so people are constantly saying “But aren’t you bi?” or “But that’s for guys. You’re lesbian.” It’s annoying, but unfortunately, something I just have to deal with in straight spaces, which is why I’ve joined my school’s GSA and a queer discord server. (F/14/Bisexual)

Story #2507

When I came out all of my friends were either also part of the community or very supportive. My mom is pretty supportive, but I’m not sure my dad believes me. He hasn’t explicitly said it but I can tell he thinks it’s ‘just a phase’ and I’ll realize I’m actually straight and I don’t actually know myself. (Bisexual)

Story #2495

When I came out to my friends at a sleepover they were all super weird. I know they accepted me but I hate how awkward it was. It’s not fair. We are different but that shouldn’t mean we have to feel like outsiders. Like what if we didn’t have to even think about being accepted or loved? What if we could just be us and it was normal?? And people didn’t look at us weird?? I really hope for the people that come after us that they don’t have to deal with anything this community does every day. (F/13/Bi)

Story #2492

When I came out to my boyfriend and my friends, I told my friend on the way back from the ren fair. I told him I am a man and my preferred name and he was happy for me!! :DDDD and Then I told my boyfriend over text that I am a man and he was fine with it cause he’s pansexual. I recently got a binder and I am going to wait to tell my parents :DD (FtM/14/Bisexual)