When I came out it wasn’t all at once. I came out as bisexual at 13 and came out as a trans man to my friends at 15 and to my family at 16. Trying to discover my sexuality was intertwined with trying to discover my gender and vice versa. I was trying to suppress who I was because evangelical family members called who I am a sin. I refuse to live in shame again. (Nonbinary Trans Man/25/Bisexual)
Story #2695
When I came out, I first came out, rather shakily, to my hair stylist. The subject of my pronouns came up while she was talking with another hairstylist, and she so quickly said “He/Him” that I couldn’t step in and correct her. Later, towards the end of the haircut, I brought it up again, saying I wasn’t out yet, how I’m really They/Them, and she was very supportive. I’m still not out to anyone else, but am so happy that just one person knows. (Non-binary/Bi)
Story #2692
When I came out, I was 13/14 at the time. I came out to my best friend and this girl I had a crush on by pointing out a flag and asking if my BFF knew what flag it was. I came out as Pan at the time. At 16, however, I considered myself queer because I couldn’t tell if I liked men, then bi because it felt more binary and more accurate; I still question if I like men. What made me realise I was probably gay was from as young as 8, I used to love jade west and still do; I remember listing all the qualities I thought was “pretty”; I also remember specifically liking Belle, cuz again, “pretty”. (F/20/Bi/queer)
Story #2687
When I came out I wasn’t exactly sure I was Bi because I liked boys before but I have a crush on my best friend. I came out to my friend and then my mom. They were both supportive. I’ve been thinking about if maybe I’m demigirl but I still don’t know. For anyone coming out, good luck and I hope you are supported. (F/12/Bi/demigirl?)
Story #2684
When I came out, it was tough for not only me, but my family as well. We were a very strict and religious household and my parents firmly believe that heterosexuality is the only sexuality that is deemed good. A couple hours after I came home from school, me and my family were eating dinner when my dad brought up politics, which he normally does as a lawyer, and I blurted out my bisexuality and non-binary identity. My mom looked at me as if I was crazy and my dad dramatically let out a groan. We haven’t talked since, but it feels a bit relieving that I’m out. (Non-binary/15/Bisexual)
Story #2682
When I came out to a cousin, it was a spur of the thing. We were in a small group of friends lining up for a roller coaster and some jokes had been made about being gay. I replied something like “I’m bi, not gay”. I did have to explain to the group the difference between being gay and bisexual. I was quite scared for this cousin’s reaction as our mutual grandparents are quite religious and had not reacted well when the news talked about an openly out politician. When I asked them about their reaction, they said things like “God made Adam and Eve”.
Story #2681
When I came out my parents looked at me in shock. I thought it was already known in my household as I recall coming out four times previously. The family is quite religious. They simply stated that “you know what preference we prefer.” My mother later stated she wishes she did not send me to my place of education. (F/Bisexual)
Story #2678
When I came out today to my new friend, she told me that she always felt nervous around a shared friend of ours. I told her I liked that same friend too. We were both squealing and hugging each other because we finally found someone else who shares the same sexuality. (F/Bisexual)
Story #2671
When I came out, I was fourteen. I came out to my best friend, on snapchat, because I think I liked a girl. At the time, it felt like the scariest thing ever, but since then I’ve come out to a few of my other friends. (F/16/Bisexual)
Story #2662
When I came out, it was to my mom. I texted her when she was on a business trip. For once I really felt kinda free. My mom took it well. It just socks that I haven’t told anyone else mainly because most people think it’s a choice. I just wish homophobic people could see how painful and exhausting it is to fight to be you or to hide and pretend to be who you’re not. (M/15/Gay/bi)