When I came out to my 18-year-old friend as asexual she freaked out and told me she was too XD She is so far the only person I know to be asexual like me. (F/13/Asexual biromantic)
Story #1954
When I came out I was texting one of my friends on Messenger. And I told them I like someone. “Is he nice?” she said. “… she” I corrected her. (Agender/14/Asexual/demi-homoromantic)
Story #1933
When I came out I told my sister while we were on a dog walk. She didn’t care but wasn’t mean about it. I then told my friends during school the next day. They were all really supportive! Although I have yet to come out to my parents. (F/13/Asexual/biromantic)
Story #1912
When I came out, my friend said she didn’t think I was actually asexual. She said I was too young to know, and I might not have just had sexual attraction yet. That really hurt me, and I had and still have anxiety and self-doubt about my identity. My other two friends who were there accepted me, but I’m scared to come out to anyone again. (F/14/Asexual/panromantic)
Story #1909
When I came out it was to my ex, now one of my closest friends. We kinda did a “double confession”. She told me that she was actually they — nonbinary. I told them that I was asexual. They were surprised at first, considering our history, but in the end were very accepting. I’ve come out to a couple other people since then, but close family is for a bit later. I want to be sure of myself before others are. I’m right now in the process of questioning gender and romantic attraction, since I’m pretty sure something’s going on there. 😏 I’m also learning that having doubts is natural, and that regardless of tiny contradictions — or a complete change in orientation — you are still completely valid. ❤️ (M/18/Ace)
Story #1907
When I came out, it was to my bi friend. She said, “If you weren’t straight, I’d totally date you.” I looked at her and said, “I’m kinda not straight lol”. Then she hugged me and called me her gayby. She’s taking me with her to pride meeting at her school. (F/Panromantic/asexual)
Story #1856
When I came out, I was talking with my friend and she asked who I liked. I refused to tell her and made her guess the name. She finally put two and two together and asked me if it was a girl and I just nodded. I was super lucky that she accepted everything and actually knew what asexuality was. (F/14/Homoromantic Asexual)
Story #1842
When I came out it was by accident, I forgot to delete a message of my friend talking about me being gay. My parents went through my phone and saw. So I was forced out and thankfully they accepted me. (M/15/Gay Asexual)
Story #1846
When I came out, it was at first to just one of my friends who was easily supportive, and we made jokes together for a few weeks. Me, her, and some other friends were having a discussion about abortion laws and at some point we started discussing if we would get abortions and the likelihood of needing one. So I turned to my friend, who knew I was ace, and asked her the likelihood of me getting pregnant and needing an abortion. We both started laughing at that joke and I ended up coming out to the whole group and we just talked about LGBT matters for the rest of lunch. (F/14/Demi-romantic/ace)
Story #1830
When I came out to my friend over the phone I said, “I like boys, and girls” to which she replied, “Oh my gosh same” and I did a double take. Coming out to my other friend was hard because first I actually needed to get her attention, then I said, “[Friend], I’m bi” and she said, “Wait, say that again” so I said it again and she was happy and jumping around, then I told her I was genderfluid. At another place I was talking with three or four people and one said, “I don’t think I know anyone who is bi” so I had to say, “Now you have!” I say that I’m bi and genderfluid because it is SO much easier to understand than saying that I might be this or that or both or something. Anyway, continue being your queer/ally self and show that closet who is boss. (NB/genderfluid/androgynous/gender is confusing/13/Biromantic/panromantic/demiromantic/akoiromantic/ace)