When I came out last night to my friend, she was totally okay with it. She said it was the first thing that popped into her head when I said there was something I wanted to tell her and that she’s even suspected it in the past. Then she started talking about setting me up with a girl she knew was bi! Lol the only bad thing is she still thinks it might be a sin, which hurts. But at least she doesn’t care and we are still close friends! 🙂
Story #330
When I came out to my best friend a few years ago, it was very late at night, during a sleepover. We immediately moved on with our rambling conversation and she never said anything about it, although I talk about girls around her all the time. A couple days ago she said she doesn’t even remember the conversation, because she was so close to sleep.
Story #329
When I came out to my mom a few hours ago, her reaction made me sad. All my friends had been so supportive and happy for me and I was so excited to tell her that I was finally happy, and with a girl. But she didn’t ask any questions, she didn’t make eye contact and the conversation ended in less than a minute. I hope it gets better.
Story #328
When I came out… about two hours ago… my mom just hugged me and we sat there for a good ten minutes not saying a word… and all she said was, I still love you…
Story #327
When I came out, I was washing the dishes with my Nan (who I live with) and suddenly thought I had enough of hiding. I told her that I had something to say, and she said I could tell her anything, so I said I had feelings towards boys as well as girls. She was 100% fine and loving towards me and so was my girlfriend! 🙂 My nan then told my brother, who didn’t take too well, but recently he said he loved me for who I was and has stuck up for me so much! Everyone from school was cool about it — it’s 2013 now, it’s acceptable! 🙂
Story #326
When I came out to my friends and one family member I was 17. It did not end up well with the family member so I did not tell anyone else. When I got to college I noticed that I had more resources than before. When I came out to the rest of my family I was 18. Best decision ever — only one person was not okay about me being bisexual.
Story #325
When I came out as bisexual to my best friend she was surprised but she is also bisexual herself so I knew she would be supportive. I told another openly bisexual friend who is also a girl while I was drunk and finally I’ve told my girlfriend and she was surprised and not altogether happy. Overall, I don’t regret the decision as I’m 18 and it’s all so new and exciting.
Story #324
When I came out about a year ago I got completely humiliated and bullied for it. I told the one person I trusted at the time and she told pretty much everyone. So I pretended I was joking and it’s taken me up to today to admit to not only myself but to a group of my friends. I am 14 and the friends I am around now are really supportive this time. I still haven’t told any of my family and I do not plan to until I leave home but I feel so relieved for coming out again and it goes to show that the person I told first wasn’t a true friend and true friends accept you for who you are….
Story #323
When I came out, it was only to my best friend. After crying for an hour, I texted her. After I came out, she called me and we cried for another hour. The next day as soon as she saw me she hugged me. She then asked if I found her attractive. I said yes and she just smiled and hugged me. She is completely straight, but loves that I’m open with my feelings.
Story #322
When I came out the first time it was a choice. I had told my best girl friend I would go straight for her if I could, because she means that much to me. I was incredibly ecstatic about it, literally jumping in my chair when I emailed that to her. But then my mom saw the emails, and she sort of forced me to come out to her. She accepts me, but I still resent that moment, because I didn’t choose that time.