When I came out, I didn’t actually realize I had come out to my mom and brother for a few beats. I knew they wouldn’t care, but I had lived away from home for long enough that I forgot that family and (some of my) friends in my hometown didn’t know I was bisexual, so I mentioned an ex-girlfriend in passing; my brother didn’t even register it as an event worth noting. My mom shook her head and was like, “Well of course I don’t care at all; I just like men so I don’t get it but whatever works for you.” Very, very lucky, and my parents are old, almost 70; I hope against hope that becomes the norm.
Story #380
When I came out to my friends the other day I was so nervous. I was shaking so much when I told them and I said, “I love and care about you all and what I want to share with you is that I’m not straight, I’m pansexual.” A huge weight had been lifted off of me and they were so supportive. Two of them then told me that they were also pansexual so I didn’t have to go through explaining what it meant and it’s made us a lot closer.
Story #378
When I came out, I only came out to my mom (and my father still doesn’t know). As soon as I came out, a great weight was lifted off my chest. Even better, my mom seemed to accept me. But later the same day, my mom seemed to change her mind about being accepting, and we have been fighting ever since.
Story #379
When I came out, which was 8 hours ago, me and my mom were talking on the phone and then she said, “YOU HAVE TO GO TO SCHOOL” and then we were arguing and she demanded to know what was wrong and I was going to tell her I was gay. Then she said “Is it your dad, is it bullying at school, are you gay?” And then it felt like my chest was being pressed on and when I tried to speak it felt like I was choking and she said, “Well?” And I said, “OKAY, MOM, I AM GAY” and there was then complete silence and she said, “Son, that’s okay, I am so happy you told me!! I will love you no matter what!!” Then she took off work for 20 minutes to come over and give me a hug!!
Story #377
When I came out to my brother he thought I was pregnant (I was 16) because I told him something had happened during my holiday. When I told him I was bi he was relieved 😛 He also said that it didn’t change anything and that I was still his little sis.
Story #376
When I came out I was with my best friend and a camp counselor. They were both so chill and nice about it. They helped me come out to more of my friends. This summer I have come out to 5 people and I still have to tackle my family, but they can wait! After all I’m only 12!
Story #375
When I came out as a lesbian to my mother, I was locked out of my house and screamed at for days. Now my mother pretends it never happened. I am out to most of my friends, they’re mostly accepting, but don’t take it as seriously as I’d like them to. They still think I’ll end up with a guy. Don’t think I’ve ever had a pleasant coming out story, but I envy those who do.
Story #374
When I came out to my mom, dad, brother and twin sister, I was afraid of what my brother would say. But all of them reacted good and told me they kind of suspected for some time, even though I don’t seem gay. My brother told me he actually thought it was quite cool, and showed support. My twin sis knew from when we were 12. Maybe there really is some emotional connection between us. I just feel happy.
Story #373
When I came out to my fiance, I was worried that he would reject me as I had taken the time to accept that I was pansexual. People questioned me as to why I had come out when I was getting married to a man, as if it didn’t matter. He understood, and was incredibly supportive. That’s why I love him.
Story #372
When I came out to one of my best friends, I could barely get the words out because I was so nervous. But my friend was so supportive and offered to be there when I tell everyone else. It couldn’t have gone any better 🙂