When I came out it was pretty anticlimactic. My family and I were sitting in this restaurant (my brother already knew) and my mom made a reference to me being a lesbian/bi. I freaked out, but then I told them. They were totally fine with it, and my mom just said how happy she was that I was still very feminine!
Story #399
When I came out to my dad, he did it for me. We were just sitting there eating lunch and he brought up a gay friend of his, saying how he loves him even though he’s gay. He then added, “Just like how I love you even though you’re gay.” I cried in his arms – I had no idea he knew.
Story #400
When I came out… I was 25 and spent an entire 4-day weekend trying to tell my best friend the truth. At the end of day 4, tired of finding an excuse not to and avoiding it, I got us both drunk and just stopped thinking and just said it: “So… I like dudes.”
Story #398
When I came out to my best friend today, I couldn’t get the words out. Finally, I said, “I’m gay,” and suddenly I burst into tears. My friend put her arm around me and said that everything was ok, and how brave I was to come out. She was so supportive and said that being gay didn’t change who I was because I was still her awesome best friend.
Story #397
When I came out to my brother I was so nervous. I couldn’t even say it out loud so I wrote “I’m gay” on a piece of paper and showed him. He told me it didn’t change anything. I couldn’t ask for a better brother.
Story #396
When I came out to my parents, my dad asked me why I was messaging such dirty messages to a girl. It wasn’t on my terms, or my timing but he was asking for it so I let him hear it. “Dad, I’m gay” fumbled its way out.
Story #395
When I came out to my dad and mom yesterday, they both said “we knew.” Which only made me feel even worse for stressing over it for almost 20 years. If they knew they should have helped me get over it myself.
Story #394
When I came out I told a close friend who really helped me figure out who I was. Then I told my crush and he’s been extremely supportive of me and says he’ll always be there for me.
Story #393
When I came out, I didn’t come out. My “best friend” did for me. But it’s been years and people are finally starting to accept me. I haven’t come out to my parents YET. But I hope to do so very soon.
Story #392
When I came out of the closet as bi to my best friend, I wanted to do it during National Coming Out Day, but I lost my nerve and 12:00 came. She told me she had to go to work in the morning and that she was going to bed. I blurted out, “I’m bisexual!” She was super supportive, but I’m a little sorry I screamed at her…