Story #663

When I came out as gay, I told my mum I was in love with a girl. She called me straight away to ask about her. When I told her, “Mum, I’m gay”, she said, “I already knew that”. My family have completely accepted me and they have spoken to my girlfriend many times.

Story #662

When I came out to my group of best friends as a lesbian, they all responded with “We know!! No straight girl is THAT obsessed with Kristen Stewart!” They’re super supportive and continue to encourage me to come out to my family 🙂

Story #661

When I came out, it was first to my friends about being pansexual. It was nice that not all of them were serious, ’cause laughing really helps dissolve tension. Then I came out to my mom about being an FTM, but no one who knows me has really been surprised, although I don’t think this has really sunken in for my sister or one of my best friends (a straight male).

Story #660

When I came out as bigender to my close family and friends they were all cool about it. My girlfriend still thought I looked hot haha. The only person that got kinda angry was my youngest sister, but only because I told her last. (She’s always the last person to find out about anything.)

Story #658

When I came out, everything went through better than I expected. When I discovered I crave a woman’s touch, I felt terrified and proud at the same moment. But in some way I felt embarrassed. I was only 14. And when I told my somewhat best friend I was bisexual, she just smirked and said, “I know”. And since then I feel free.

Story #657

When I came out as pansexual and genderfluid last year, my mother wasn’t all too surprised, and neither were my four younger siblings. But what took the metaphorical cake of that day was when my then-thirteen brother started shuffling around in the kitchen and began to dress various pots and pans in my lingerie. He then asked me which one I wished to make out with. (Now, we’re waiting for my eleven-year-old brother to come out as either asexual/biromantic or bisexual…) Our family is a rather queer family – even my straight brother who performed the pan joke has metrosexual tendencies (he’s obsessed with his hair and uses all sorts of skincare products) and my ten-year old sis is pretty sure she’s bi. Cheers from this eccentric, queer-as wordsmith!

Story #656

When I came out in 11th grade, my mom treated me so differently that I went back in. Having a dad as a pastor, I knew it would be hard. Now at 27, my mom has met my girlfriend!

Story #655

When I came out to one of my best friends, he told me he didn’t care if I was gay and that he would support me no matter what. A few months later I told him he was the one who I was in love with. He said that it didn’t change anything for him and he still wanted to be friends. Of course I feel a bit weird now being around him, but I hope that with time it will pass. He’s probably one of the best things that ever happened to me.

Story #654

When I came out to my best friend as gay, I was too afraid to tell her in real life but I knew I absolutely needed to. I told her over text message. I couldn’t even bring myself to type it directly into a message. I wrote it in a note and took several screenshots. She replied saying she was disappointed that there were no fireworks or cake or anything, so I received a B+ on presentation and the most supportive and amazing friend I could have ever asked for.