Story #724

When I came out I’d had a few drinks. I had watched a movie with my family about a transgender person and we were arguing whether the protagonist was more attractive as a boy or girl. I used my bisexuality as evidence that I should be an authority on the subject, and yet the conversation didn’t move to my sexuality but stayed on topic, as it should in an ideal society.

Story #723

When I came out as bi, I texted my friend. She told me she supported me and that I was still the same girl. Today, I came out to my class with a huge note on the board saying “Dear classmates, I’M BI!” They didn’t really care, or seem to understand what it meant. Now to tell my parents…

Story #722

When I came out, I wrote a poem. I gave it to my best friend, and she read it. It was all about how terrible it is to be in the closet. The last lines were, “This is not a poem, this is a true story of someone very lonesome that doesn’t belong in a category. So I am pansexual, and a little genderfluid. This was eventful, I hope our friendship isn’t wounded.” She looked at me and said, “You’re right, our friendship isn’t wounded. It’s only grown.” I love the support that she gives me, and she keeps me going.

Story #721

When I came out, I was with a bunch of friends. We were playing truth or dare. It was my turn and I chose truth, only because I had picked dare the past two times. My friend said, “Tell me something that you have never told anyone.” I was planning to come out that night anyways, so I said, “I’m a raging homosexual.” The guy next to me shouted, “Ha!! I knew it, you owe me $5,” to another one of my friends.

Story #720

When I came out as bisexual to my mom it was in the middle of a conversation about anti-LGBTQ laws and their ridiculousness. She said some of the nicest people she knows are gay so I said, “While we’re on this subject I have something to tell you. I’m bisexual.” She was incredibly supportive and said she loves me no matter what. I wish I’d told her about my orientation sooner.

Story #719

When I came out as bisexual, it was first to my best friend over texting. It took me months to get the courage to send her that text. Her response was, “You’re a human with feelings, it’s not going to change our friendship.” I was really scared but she had my back. Nothing has changed and she’s still my biggest supporter and the only one I’ve told.

Story #718

When I came out I had been arguing with my mom. Under the stresses of school and life, I’ve been acting out in a negative way. I haven’t been comfortable in my home for a long time now, and when apologizing to my mom about my recent behavior, I told her that I am gay, and that I’ve begun to hate that I am gay, because of how homophobic my parents are, and how ashamed they would be of me. After telling her, she stayed silent for a long time, but when I left the room, all I could hear was crying.

Story #717

When I came out, I was at a friend’s party. We were just hanging out in her basement, and we were playing 2 truths and a lie. When it was my turn I said, “I’ve been to 8 concerts so far this year. I am straight. I have never broken a bone.” I am very reckless, so they all thought that the last one was a lie. I told them no, and I also said that I had been to 8 concerts. They all hugged me, but the girl I was crushing on went last. She whispered in my ear, “I’m glad, because I couldn’t handle having a crush on a straight girl.” She later asked me out, after she came out later that night.

Story #716

When I came out, it was my birthday and the day after a group of my friends and I had gone to see a movie. It just so happened that there were a lot of very attractive guys in this movie and I realized that if I stayed in the closet, I could never be myself. On my birthday, I texted my best friend saying I was gay and she was extremely supportive. By far the best thing I ever did.

Story #715

When I came out, I was texting in a group text. My friend, who is a girl, was fangirling about Harry Styles, who both me and my guy friend hate. I said, “I don’t get why anyone would like guys that way. I’m not straight.” They started freaking out, just saying “are you les???”, repeatedly. I said yeah. They were really supportive. Soon after, the guy friend came out as gay too. 🙂