Story #2572

When I came out, I was in the car with my mom coming back from a long road trip. We were stuck in standstill traffic for about an hour and were just chatting until the topic of dating came up. I’d been going out with a guy for a few months into freshman year of high school and had been keeping it very secret as I was still figuring out my sexuality. My mom asked if we were dating since he and I had been hanging out a lot, to which I responded, “…Yes.” She asked if I was gay. “Yes.” She was cool with it and proud of me for confiding with her, and asked if I knew about my deceased uncle, who was also gay, to which I responded, “WHAT?!?” I probably would’ve been comfortable coming out if I had known that. Still gotta come out as nonconforming though. (Gender nonconforming/21/Gay)