Story #2569

When I came out, I think I had known since I was around 14-15. I initially came out as ace, and now lesbian. I had a minor crush on one of my classmates – who I didn’t know was bi at the time – and one day at a sleepover, we were playing truth or dare with my friend group. And then the dreaded question came up: Do you like anyone? I took a deep breath, and told them I had a crush on [the girl] and that I was gay. Everyone was super supportive. It has been about 2 years since then, and I am forever grateful for my friends. We always insult each other jokingly and they have been there for me like family, even when my own parents weren’t. They asked me if I was planning to come out to my parents and I said no. My parents are super homophobic and transphobic. They are traditional and even if I was straight, they wouldn’t want me dating anyone not of my race (I’m South Indian btw). I am happy with my identity and the things I’ve learned about myself, and my parents can’t change that. (F/16/Lesbian/ace)