Story #2526

When I came out, it really wasn’t on purpose. I had started a play at my local theater (Berkeley Playhouse) and had written on my name tag she/him. I walked in to the living room to my mom and sister, and they noticed right away. “She/him? Is that what you’re going by now?” I said “yes” and explained to them that when people ‘misgendered’ me, I didn’t mind it at all and that I felt bigender/genderfluid. My family was super supportive, even if they are still mostly using my old pronouns. For the rest of the rehearsals for my play, I carefully crafted wonderful, gender neutral outfits to wear. It made me so happy to have some people say “he” and others say “she”. I was passing as not passing! Thanks to all of my cast mates out there, and all of my other queers!!! ❤️