Story #2230

When I came out I started looking up coming out stories. This was at the beginning of the year and I realized that I like both women and guys and I find some guys very attractive and wanted to date a guy and be with one and experience all the things that being with a guy entails. I started telling some close friends that I recently realized I’m bisexual and they couldn’t be more accepting of me, and I told them I was gonna tell my parents but I was freaked out to tell them. They told me that they knew my parents would be accepting of this, but I was still terrified to tell them, so I wrote them a letter explaining how I realized I was bisexual and it’s not a phase or something I can change. They both read it and accept me. I’ve told a lot of my cousins and friends and they all accept me. I haven’t been happier accepting I’m bisexual. (M/32/Bisexual)