Story #1874

When I came out last night, my mom found out my twitter account and how I’m open to everyone that I’m gay. I’m still numb at the moment because my mom told me that she won’t judge me because at the end of the day, she’s still my mother, although she told me to attend counseling with her and my father, to attend a Christian retreat, and even to pray. I’m not against it because I know deep inside me that I have a true relationship with my God. What hurts me is that people thinks that it’s my choice to be like this, that I have a choice to be straight or whatever but deep inside I know I’m not being true to myself. I know they won’t understand where I’m coming from because after all, they haven’t experienced it anyways. I’m happy being gay, I’m free, I can be myself, but sometimes I wonder, how does it feel to be a straight person without the judgment of the people around you? (M/24/Gay)