Story #1740

When I came out to myself, I cried. I was reading a book with a lesbian couple, and I found myself thinking, “This is what I want.” I didn’t tell anyone until towards the start of 8th grade when I told my mom, almost by accident. I’m incredibly lucky that my mom is extremely liberal, so I just told her off-hand when she was talking to her sister on the phone. She’s been super helpful since then. However, coming out to other people since then has been terribly hard. At my school, there’s an underlying homophobia that detracts me from telling my friends. Only three friends know, two of which (including my crush) I told on accident, the other guessed. Every day I feel like I’m lying to myself, not telling people. But I’m sure that someday, I’ll find my courage, and I encourage you to find yours. (F/13/Bisexual)