When I came out I was at the doctor’s office. My mum wasn’t in the room but my doctor was, and she asked me about how school and life were going. Then she asked about dating, and when I said people had started dating, she asked whether I knew if I liked boys or girls. I hesitantly told her “girls, I think.” She didn’t even blink and simply accepted me. I’m writing this later in the day that it happened and it feels like a dream. I hope others are as acceptive. (F/14/Sapphic)
Story #2647
When I came out, I was 10 years old. I thought I was bi at the time, but when I told my parents they said that I was “too young” and I was being “influenced” by a friend I had at the time. Now, I know I am queer, sapphic, and non-binary. I am not going to tell my parents because of their reaction when I was younger, but I am out to a few friends and it feels AMAZING to be able to talk about it and make gay jokes. If your parents don’t accept you, I am sending hugs and please know that I love you and accept you always. (Non-binary/13/Queer/sapphic)
Story #2614
When I came out, I was in fifth grade and had a huge crush on one of my best friends. Before this I was convinced I was straight, because I didn’t know what a crush was and just said I had crushes on random boys. My friend group found out I had a crush and played twenty questions to try and figure it out at recess. Eventually they got pushy so I just went and patted my one friend (the one I was crushing on) on the head. Of course she was the only straight one in the group. One of my other friends then asked me, “So what’s your sexuality?” and I froze because I wanted to say Lesbian but I also had no idea (the only
sexualities I knew were Lesbian and Gay). After that I ran into the bathroom to hide, and as I ran I heard one of my friends ask, “Is she gay then?” and the other one lectured her on sexualities. (F/Sapphic)
Story #2524
When I came out, I had only told close friends and few family members. I worked at a job that is mostly female and lived in a conservative town, so of course I would hear them all talk about their boy crushes. Often times I felt uncomfortable because I was afraid of them asking me about mine. Then one day it happened, and I decided to be brave. I replied, “I’ll think on it and give you a list.” I wrote down 3 women and gave it to her. She wrote me a note back saying, “HOT! They’re all so… yes!” It made my day. (F/17/Lesbian/sapphic)
Story #2461
When I came out, I was in a chicken coop. (Don’t ask.) I told my closest friends and they were all super cool about it. I’m pretty sure some of them knew already! Later, I taped a sapphic pride sticker to my school computer and someone noticed. She asked me what the flag was and I explained it to her, to which she responded, ‘So you’re questioning but you like woman?’ I smiled and said, ‘Couldn’t have said it better.’ (F/12/Sapphic)