When I came out to my school as being under the transgender umbrella no one really asked why or said anything rude, and the people who did I just ignored. I was accepted from the moment I came out (mostly cus everybody already knew); however, that wasn’t the situation at home. My mom didn’t accept it at all and my dad just called me by a male version of my deadname for a few days and then forgot about it. When I came out to my family with my sexual orientation my mom just told me that I was bisexual and my dad fully accepted me. I never had the need to come out to the people at school because yet again, everyone already guessed that was the case. Just know that you’re not alone if your parents don’t accept you and you’ll be able to transition/be accepted soon enough 🙂 (Bigender/14/Pansexual/questioning)
Story #2324
When I came out, it was a year ago to my best friend. I said, “ok, I’m bi but minus the guy.” It was so much easier than saying I am a lesbian. We chatted for three hours about it and she helped give me confidence. A few months later I told my family…. Boy, I wish I hadn’t done that. My dad accepted me but kept teasing me about it, and my mother said it would be best if I didn’t tell anyone and that who you love changes over time. It was really difficult time, but my mum has her reasons for not being too pleased. Anyway, from now on I try and help people I know with being honest about their sexuality and identity! (F/15/Lesbian question asexual)
Story #2307
When I came out I had been questioning my gender identity for a long time. I was born a girl but never connected with it. People always thought of me as a lesbian tomboy and nothing more but when I learned about being trans and what it was I realized that I wasn’t a girl. However I was still very confused and scared so instead of making the jump to being a trans guy I waited and stuck with the term non-binary (but as you can tell it wasn’t the right fit). After a lot of thought I came out to my parents over dinner. I was nervous even though it was my third time. Overall I have been accepted by my family and friends. Along with this hope to take steps to medically transition. (M/13/Trans (FtM)/straight? bi?)
Story #2302
When I first came out to my best friend it was pretty weird. I told her about sexual and romantic attractions and gender (I don’t know why then) and told her about my identity. She was a little confused and we played with some toys. Last week she gave me an invitation for her birthday and she said she made it in the colours of the non binary flag on purpose! I didn’t told her about my preferred name and pronouns (there isn’t something like “they/them” in my country so it’s pretty hard) though. But today I told a girl in my swim team my preferred name and pronouns ( I just use Q/Q’s); she was the first ever to ask me my pronouns! I was sooo happy! (NB/agender/12/Questioning)
Story #2301
When I came out to my friends about being bisexual, I thought I would say something else as an excuse like I had done many other times, but in pride month on bisexuals day I did it, and they were very supportive. One of my friends even told me she is pan and that I shouldn’t be afraid of who I am. I have switched a bit with being lesbian/biromantic and bisexual with preference for girls and I am still questioning today, but right now I think I am bisexual. Anyways, when I came out as genderfluid to the same friend I didn’t actually come out. She asked me if I were genderfluid, which surprised me very much because I hadn’t told her anything, so I just said yes and then she asked me for my pronouns. I have been very lucky with coming out to people and not getting homophobic comments from the people I have come out to. (Genderfluid/12/Bisexual? Lesbian?)
Story #2259
When I came out it was to three friends when we were hanging out and chatting. The one that isn’t my closest friend started bringing up the topic of Pride month, and I casually mentioned I was questioning. They were all absolutely fine with it; in fact, they didn’t even care. I am fortunate enough to live in a very accepting family, school, and town, and although they are all straight the aforementioned one told me that a lot of people in her friend group, the “popular friend group,” weren’t straight, which made me really happy even though I had not suspected that. I haven’t come out to anyone else yet including my parents/family because I am scared of confrontation, but I am 95% positive they will be completely accepting. (She/her/13/Questioning)
Story #2235
When I came out to my sister, it was right after she had come out to me as asexual and omni! We were both very loving and supporting of each other and still are! (Scared to tell my mom though. Might wait till I move out and go to college.) (Genderfluid/10/Pretty sure I’m pansexual but still questioning)
Story #2229
When I came out I was in math class. I had gone to turn something in, so I was out of my seat, when I came back my best friend (who is bi) was saying how she sits next to two straight people. I said, “I’m offended,” and then sat down. The person sitting next to me said, “Wait, why?” I commented, “Because I’m not.” (F/13/Questioning)
Story #2217
When I came out, my friends were actually very accepting and supportive of me. Since last year, I knew I wasn’t 100 percent straight, but I wasn’t 100 percent gay either; labeling myself as bi didn’t feel right either. For a few months, I identified myself as ace, but deep down inside I love people regardless of their gender. I came out as pansexual to my mom yesterday, and she was fortunately very supportive of me. I’m still kind of questioning my sexuality, but right now, I identify myself as pansexual. (F/17/Pansexual)
Story #2202
When I came out, it was bittersweet. My friend was fine (found out she was lesbian), but I wish I didn’t tell my parents yet. They blocked everything. Yeah, it sucks, but they took it better than I thought they would, and now I sleep a little easier. (Questioning/Bi)