When I came out I wasn’t exactly sure I was Bi because I liked boys before but I have a crush on my best friend. I came out to my friend and then my mom. They were both supportive. I’ve been thinking about if maybe I’m demigirl but I still don’t know. For anyone coming out, good luck and I hope you are supported. (F/12/Bi/demigirl?)
Story #2675
When I came out (to my friends) I was 13 years old and had just realized my obsession with Jade West was suspicious, to say the least. I remember watching Victorious for the second time when it came to Netflix and all those feelings I had for Jade when I was 9 or 10 came back and it became clear to me that there was one reason why I simply hated Beck for no apparent reason, that I wanted to see Jade and Tori kiss and that I overlooked Jade’s cruelty, and that reason was I was infatuated with that woman. Since that moment it all came back to me, all the signs I (and everyone I know) had ignored and in hindsight I was extremely gay as a child and never really hid it. Oh yeah and my family still doesn’t know. (F/17/Lesbian?)
Story #2600
When I came out, it was technically to myself. I was 12 or 13 and I realized that I didn’t experience any attraction to people until I really got to know them. I at first thought it was normal until I developed a crush on my childhood best friend, who was a boy. I was like: “Eww… I’m gay? That’s gross…” but after a little bit of research, I realized I was demisexual and I was surprised. I do contemplate if I’m either demi or pan but my mind is like: Go, Demi! Nowadays, I’m deciding if I’m either nonbinary or pangender. (Nonbinary or pangender/14/Demisexual)
Story #2585
When I came out I was 12 and I told my older sister and was extremely nervous. I wasn’t sure how she was going to react but was pretty sure she would be supportive. I texted her a bi coming out meme and told her I’m bi. She was super shocked and came into my room and hugged me, and told me she was proud of me for having the courage to tell her. She agreed to not tell our parents, at least not yet. I texted my friend (who already knew and supports me) and she was also very excited for me. It made me so happy and I hope you all have supportive friends and family too. Good luck to all those who are thinking of coming out! (F/13/Bi/ace?)
Story #2546
When I came out, my whole life fell apart. I was born a girl and I never felt like one. I was popular and funny but deep down, I never saw myself as the type of girl to wear skirts or put makeup on or talk about boys. When I was 13, I mustered enough courage and told my mom and dad I didn’t feel like a girl. My dad’s face went from curious to shocked and my mom tried to tell herself it was a dream. They kept saying mean things to me, but I try hard to ignore them. Now, I identify as a pansexual and I’m still trying to figure out my identity. (Questioning/14/Pansexual)
Story #2537
When I came out, I was 17. I was hanging out with with my family; we were driving to my aunt’s wedding, which was the next day. We came across a beautiful restaurant that had a Pride Flag flowing in the wind. My dad said that we should turn around, and he was known to be extremely homophobic. My mom told him to ignore the “abomination”. When we went in to eat, I told my parents that I was polysexual. They looked at me as if I was some sort of alien. My mom shook her head in disappointment and my dad made gagging noises before turning around to order. I see a lot of homophobia in here and I finally moved out two and half months ago. Don’t lose hope, always love yourself! (Genderflux/questioning/20/Polysexual)
Story #2428
When I came out to my Bi best friend recently, Ze was really supportive! I am planning to come out to my other two best friends on my birthday. They all support the LGBTQIAP+ community, but there’s a few of my other best friends who I don’t think I’ll ever come out to, because they’d be really weird about it. Just a piece of advice, don’t feel like you have to come out to anyone (at all). The only person you owe it to is yourself. (Demigirl/Maybe panromantic or greysexual)
Story #2427
When I came out I was like 13 and both me and my best friend had been questioning our genders (we both decided on enby at the time) and we filled out a little pronoun/term paper and I said yes to he/him. a couple months later I told them I was trans (ftm) and they just said they knew it. They were super supportive and still are, and they continue to ask for my pronouns a lot since I’m still kinda figuring myself out. (Male/enby?/15/idk like gay ig)
Story #2408
When I came out I was 10/11 and my friends were very supportive because most of them were allies/part of lgbtq. I was always kind of jealous of my brother but I never knew why. When I was 9 I came out to my parents as lesbian. I kept switching through genders and
sexualities and my friends/parents were tired of it. That’s when I started becoming depressed. When I started middle school I was still lesbian and going by they/she/he. I felt confident, until I started questioning my gender when I met this person, Mason. He was ftm and really made a mark on me. Eventually I cut my hair and felt so much better about my gender after I got my binder and I’m happily a boy now! (FtM/11/Aroace/questioning)
Story #2365
When I first came out I was 12-13 years old. I came out as bisexual and my parents and friends supported me really well, but only last year I came out as transgender. My friends really supported me and had my back because some of them were a part/allies of the lgbtq+ which made things easier. Here comes the tricky part: I had sorted out a huge letter for my parents via text. Keep in my mind that my dad is Jewish, so when I came out I got a very silent response, which I had expected. My mum, on the other hand, helped be who I am but she never fully accepted me or she never said and would say things like “No, you’re not, you’re a girl” …etc etc. Fast forward to now, I think I might be pansexual/bisexual but I don’t know yet and I’m hoping that one day I can decide. (FtM/16/Pansexual/transgender/bisexual/questioning)