Story #2584

When I came out, I was sort of caught. I was on a discord server with my gay friend group before I had to go and use the bathroom. When I finished doing my business, I saw both my mom and my dad on my computer, scrolling and looking at my server before they turned around. They looked at me and sighed. My mom asked me if I was really omnisexual and I told her yes. My dad gagged before heading out. I felt heartbroken, since I loved my dad more than anything. My mom hugged me and told me that she’ll talk to my dad. They’ve been arguing ever since and I feel like it’s my fault. (M/11/Omnisexual)

Story #2565

When I came out as omnisexual and bigender to my parents, they were at first surprised and quickly accepted me after I explained to them. However, my friends were disgusted and left me. It’s been hard but now I found a new friend group and everything is fine. Sometimes I wonder what would happen if I were to not come out to my old friends, but I mostly shrug it off and try to have a good time. (Bigender/16/Omnisexual)

Story #2479

When first I came out, it was on accident. I was around 10-11, arguing with my mom about bisexuals/gays, and accidentally said “We’re” instead of “They’re” lol (I don’t identify as a bisexual anymore). But recently, I came out as a transguy to my close family (this is because I told the counselor I wanted to hurt myself, partly because of how I felt about my identity). I’ve been in the closet as a transguy for around two to three years now (used to identify as lesbian, then bisexual, then nonbinary, then finally transmale). But by the time I’d told my mom, I was out to my whole school, my close cousins, and even people online. She’s still having a hard time accepting now, but I’ve got it better than others. I’ve got a great support system at school (not minding the bullies) and in my close family, so I’m not as suicidal as before.  (Transmale/13/Omnisexual)

Story #2329

When I came out I was about 7 years old and did not know what transgender was. I had short hair and lived in Wisconsin. I was mistaken for a boy very often, even on an all girls soccer team. Basically I told my mom that when people thought I was a boy I would just go along with it and say yes I was a boy. We were moving from Wisconsin to Missouri at the time, both not good spots for a trans kid. But my mom asked me my new name and everyone at my new school had no idea I was not cis. I only stayed in Missouri for a year than we moved to Minnesota, and here it is much better for me to be me! (M/11/Omnisexual/transgender)

Story #2304

When I came out to my mum it was kind of an accident. Earlier that day I was walking with my friend at the park when we saw someone (let’s call him S). S is very homophobic and we don’t really like him. We saw a few other people who we knew with S, and one of them shouted to us, “S likes you, by the way!” We weren’t sure if she was talking about me or my friend. So I tell the story to my mum, and she laughs and says, “Well, if she was talking about you, I don’t think the relationship would work out since he’s homophobic and you’re—” She paused. I don’t know why but I blurted out “omnisexual.” I panicked since I had just outed myself to my own mother, and she said, “Is that a new sexuality?” I responded, “Yes, it’s when you like all genders.” “Oh, okay!” she says. Then we laughed about how awkward the relationship between me & S would be.

Story #2252

When I came out it wasn’t really coming out. I posted something about my sexuality online and my mom found out. She yelled at me and said the reason I posted it was so I could attract women. She finally calmed down after a few days and joked about it a few months ago. (Demifluid/Omnisexual)

Story #1631

When I came out was when I moved to a university two hours away to my roommate. Later I was openly omnisexual, and it wasn’t hard because these people didn’t know me growing up or my family. Two years later, my sister also managed to get accepted in the same university and that was my biggest fear. She came and immediately she already heard about me and it wasn’t from me. She surfaced to my parents and they were super upset. They told me after university they want me to pick up my bags and live my own life. One more year of university left and haven’t talked to them since. (M/Omnisexual)

Story #1426

When I came out, I texted my Mom while I was on a field trip saying, “I like girls.” She simply said, “Ok,” and we never brought it up again. I’m glad it went well but I still have to tell her I’m transgender. (FtM/12/Omnisexual/romantic)