Story #2302

When I first came out to my best friend it was pretty weird. I told her about sexual and romantic attractions and gender (I don’t know why then) and told her about my identity. She was a little confused and we played with some toys. Last week she gave me an invitation for her birthday and she said she made it in the colours of the non binary flag on purpose! I didn’t told her about my preferred name and pronouns (there isn’t something like “they/them” in my country so it’s pretty hard) though. But today I told a girl in my swim team my preferred name and pronouns ( I just use Q/Q’s); she was the first ever to ask me my pronouns! I was sooo happy! (NB/agender/12/Questioning)

Story #2295

When I came out I first came out as bi. My mom was super supportive and gave me a huge hug. Two years later I came out as pan and nonbinary to my mom and dad. My mom was supportive yet again, and my dad said he was too, but I could tell a lot of tension arose with my dad afterwards, including when it seemed like he forgot when I went to visit him. I had to redo it all over again, and he made the excuse that it would take him a while. He used the name because it sounded similar to my middle name, and I never heard him mess up, and I haven’t heard him use my pronouns once. I have my friends and the club at my school that has my back everyday. I love my friends so much, and they support me through everything, even with my mental health. (Nonbinary/15/Pansexual)

Story #2292

When I came out it was in an introductary uni class. We were all supposed to have a fun fact about ourselves and it was all I could think of. There was zero reaction aside from a guy directly behind me who went “huh”. (Neutrosis/nonbinary/24/Asexual aromantic)

Story #2289

When I came out, it was only to a few people at first. Just some super close friends. At the time, I was pansexual and cis female. Things have changed a decent amount since then, as I’ve come out to them, and a few of my siblings, as nonbinary trans-masc, pansexual, and polyamorous. They’ve all been my biggest supporters and the best friends I could ever ask for. I even got 3 partners that support me as well! I might not tell my parents yet though, since we live in the south and they’re both pastors. Until I move out, I don’t really wanna consider telling them. :/ (Nonbinary Trans-Masc [they/he/fae/it]/17/Pansexual polyamorous)

Story #2288

When I first came out to my mom about my sexuality she said that I was too young to know who I liked. A year later I told her I was nonbinary and she said it was a phase and that I was being influenced by the internet. She also that that nb people aren’t real and the LGBTQ+ community just wanted to be a part of something so they made up a gender that wasn’t real. Now I have friends that respect me and what I am, it hurts to know my mother doesn’t accept me but I don’t mind that she doesn’t think I am what I say. As long as I have my friends I’ll be fine. (Nonbinary/13/Bisexual)

Story #2271

When I came out to my parents as gay, they just sat there in silence. There was no words of love, or acceptance, or validation. If you had a similar experience, I want you to know that you are loved, valid, and accepted. (Non-binary/Lesbian)

Story #2269

When I came out the first time was last year in summer. I texted my friends that I’m bisexual because I was too nervous to say it. But they accepted me and said that they will always love me. Then one friend told me that she’s a lesbian and we began to be a couple. After seven months I told my mom and she said something like “just a phase” and “you’re too young to know” and it was not very good for my mental health. In March I came out to friends as a nonbinary lesbian (trixic, but everyone understands lesbian) and they were very supportive and lovely to me. In June, my dad random said that he will not be getting grandchildren and I was like, “Why?” and he was like, “Bro I always knew you only liked girls,” so he accepted and was very nice to me. (Nonbinary/genderfluid/14/Lesbian/trixic)

Story #2261

When I came out, I did it over text to my friend, and she was fine with it and cheered me on. I have never been more grateful. (Non-binary/12/Pansexual)

Story #2254

When I came out I realized how misunderstood enbies are. I had to explain almost every aspect of my gender identity and sexuality to my parents and friends, and reassure them that we actually exist. There are just so few of us, apparently, that not even close to everyone knows the basics of our gender (or anti-gender) self-concepts. Stay strong, and don’t let “normal society” get to you. Just be yourself, be modest, and be kind. (Non-binary agender/15/Pansexual)

Story #2251

When I came out to my best friend over an email, I was so scared. I thought she wouldn’t understand and say it was impossible. Turns out it went well. It took her a while to adjust to my new name and pronouns but she’s extremely supportive and respectful about it. (Non-binary/15/Bisexual)