Story #1261

When I came out I was not accepted by my family. I was told it was a phase. It was kept secret from everyone but a handful of friends. I’ve never felt so detached in my whole life; I’m waiting for it to get better. (Non-binary/Gyneromantic)

Story #1237

When I came out, it was to my brother, at 1 AM, in the hallway. I had just read a webcomic about a trans girl that gave me confidence in my own gender. His nonchalant “okay” was the best reaction he could have given me, and gave me the courage to come out to my friends and other family members. (Non-binary/14)

Story #1219

When I came out as non-binary to my parents, it was when they announced the first transgender man to be in the Olympics. They made a comment about how “weird” it was, and then I told them. My mom tries to support me, but my dad won’t talk to me. (17, pronouns they/them/that one)