When I came out as gay it was first at my friend over text and he was cool with it. My other friend asked me if I was gay in the midst of our conversation, and she was supportive about it, even asked who is my crush. I finally told my parents in a letter about my sexuality and they were super supportive. Still haven’t told my extended family but with my parents and friends with me I can do it. (Side note: I eventually told all my friends and they were chill about it.) I still haven’t told anyone I am non-binary. (Non-binary/13/Gay)
Story #2699
When I came out it wasn’t all at once. I came out as bisexual at 13 and came out as a trans man to my friends at 15 and to my family at 16. Trying to discover my sexuality was intertwined with trying to discover my gender and vice versa. I was trying to suppress who I was because evangelical family members called who I am a sin. I refuse to live in shame again. (Nonbinary Trans Man/25/Bisexual)
Story #2695
When I came out, I first came out, rather shakily, to my hair stylist. The subject of my pronouns came up while she was talking with another hairstylist, and she so quickly said “He/Him” that I couldn’t step in and correct her. Later, towards the end of the haircut, I brought it up again, saying I wasn’t out yet, how I’m really They/Them, and she was very supportive. I’m still not out to anyone else, but am so happy that just one person knows. (Non-binary/Bi)
Story #2694
When I came out it wasn’t something that happened all at once. After figuring out my identity at 12, I first was open with the queer friends I made in high school at 15. It took me 4 more years to build up the courage to come out to my mom over text, and she and my dad were supportive! At the present moment it is still something that’s on my mind a lot, especially concerning my extended family and a grandmother whom I’m close with. (Non-binary/20/Aroace)
Story #2689
When I came out as non-binary to my friend, I was dripping with anxiety; when they came out to me, I shined with joy and comfort. Finally, someone who was going through the same thing as me. Finally, someone who understood. They’re still my best friend 😀 (Non-binary/20)
Story #2685
When I came out as lesbian it was about 6 months ago, but I had known I liked girls way before that. First I came out to my best friend, who was really nice about it, and we were talking about crushes and we both just blurted we had a crush on each other. It was awkward for like a day but then things went back to normal. When I came out to my mom as lesbian it wasn’t too long after I came out to my best friend, and I was so scared so decided to write it down and give the note to her. She was surprised but supportive, but I haven’t come out as nonbinary yet to anyone. (Nonbinary/12/Lesbian)
Story #2684
When I came out, it was tough for not only me, but my family as well. We were a very strict and religious household and my parents firmly believe that heterosexuality is the only sexuality that is deemed good. A couple hours after I came home from school, me and my family were eating dinner when my dad brought up politics, which he normally does as a lawyer, and I blurted out my bisexuality and non-binary identity. My mom looked at me as if I was crazy and my dad dramatically let out a groan. We haven’t talked since, but it feels a bit relieving that I’m out. (Non-binary/15/Bisexual)
Story #2679
When I came out first, I was like 11 or so. It was to my parents; I told my mother first that I was a lesbian. She was really supportive and my dad was too. I told it almost immediately, so they were a great help. Then, around half a year ago, I realised I wasn’t a girl. I first thought I was a demigirl, but after a while I realised I was nonbinary. My parents supported me again, but they needed time to adjust. Now they really try to use my pronouns, but it is hard to them. At school it’s worse; I am out to my friends, but they never use my right pronouns. My class can be really homophobic and that hurts. There is one boy I think is okay; however, he says really mean stuff, not to my face, but I can hear it… I hope it gets better, and I hope that everyone can be who they are. Never give up! (Nonbinary/13/Lesbian)
Story #2670
When I came out, I was twelve. At the time I had had an enbyfriend and identified as she/they. When I told my mom about them, I was surprised that she was supportive of it! Although some people weren’t “with it” my church was! I am so glad to be myself! (They/them/13/Poly)
Story #2660
When I came out as gay I was so afraid that my father would be upset, but he acknowledged me and even gave me advice on how to woo the person I wanted to ask out. My mother had a different reaction; even though she accepts everyone she could not accept me. I struggled with her insistences of it being a phase and how my partner would not accept me. But I stand today after 5 years feeling better about myself, being able to cut my hair the way I want and dress how I want with my partner who loves me regardless of my gender and orientation. It gets better. (Nonbinary/20/Queer)