Story #1553

When I came out to my brother recently, we were already having an emotional talk, and he asked me. He had before, but I shrugged it off. This time I just broke down. He hugged me and told me everything would be OK. (M/16/Gay)

Story #1551

When I came out, I was 15 years old, and it was late in my room to a good friend who also was my crush. We had a conversation about sex; that’s how I told him, but I didn’t tell him I liked him — still haven’t. (M/Gay)

Story #1550

When I came out it was honestly the worst night of my life. I was brought up in a religion where LGBT is not accepted and also believe the dead will come back to life. I accidentally left my phone out and my nan saw a message to a guy. The first thing she said was “You can get help for this. Then it’s possible to see your mum again.” I was broken for a long while and only finally accepted myself when being in a relationship with a guy. (M/19/Gay)

Story #1546

When I came out to my best friend this previous fall she hugged me and told me that she already knew. She helped me to come out to my immediate family, and now, several months later, I am openly gay. I live in a small, conservative Christian family and town, but I have received nothing but love and support. It took me a long time to reconcile my sexuality and my love for Jesus Christ, but He loves you just the same and I am truly closer to Him than ever before after being honest with myself and others. (M/16/Gay)

Story #1536

When I came out to my best friends their reactions were just “Oh, okay, we honestly don’t care.” They gave me the strength to come out to my other friends too and are helping me to come out to my parents. I’m really proud and I love them. (M/15/Gay)

Story #1528

When I came out to my crush in high school (who had already come out) because I wanted to be his boyfriend, he said he did not want to date me. It’s been six years and I still think about him. I risked everything by coming out to someone who didn’t care for me. Luckily my friends support me always! (M/19/Gay)

Story #1526

When I came out… I waited until 11:45 so my best friend would not be online. Then wrote a paragraph saying I was gay that he didn’t read because the notification only had “good night” in it. This morning he said he “underestimated my irl stealth stat” and was really nice. (M/17/Gay)

Story #1523

When I came out to my mom 4 days ago, well… she made me do it. She straight asked me if I was gay. After several “facts” about me and my queer friends, I decided to not to say yes, just saying stuff like, “If I have a gay/trans/bi son I will accept him.” She told me that I am a deception. It didn’t bother me at all, but she still talks to me now. She still wants to have the conversation. I’m too afraid. (M/22, Panamá)

Story #1522

When I came out to my brother a few months ago, we were so drunk at a club. I was dancing with a guy. He asked me if I was bisexual, and I told him, “Uh, yeah.” We went home and he cried because I didn’t tell him before. Also he said that he will never accept me as gay. I really don’t care. (M/22, Panamá)