Story #1472

When I came out as a lesbian, my mom was accepting but didn’t really believe me because she said I was “too young” (I was 14, 15 now). She’s been much more accepting over the past year though. My dad was completely supportive and told me he even considered himself bicurious. I’m probably gonna come out to some of my extended homophobic family this summer because I’m tired of hiding it from them and can’t stand being in the closet any longer.

Story #1471

When I came out I lied and told my mom I was bi (I’m a lesbian) because I figured it’d be easier to handle. Since then my mom has done everything she can to get me to like boys more than girls. She’ll never know the truth.

Story #1469

When I came out as a lesbian to my family while having dinner at a restaurant, I remember my moms face going from this 🙂 to this :-(. The day after, she told me she didn’t want to hear who I’m dating, or even meet that person and what we do as a couple. Since then she bothers me by saying things like “Look at that boy, isn’t he cute?” I wish I knew how religion can be more important than the happiness and well-being of someone. (Andy, 17, Portugal)

Story #1462

When I came out it was today and to my best friend. I was crying at 3am and she saw me and asked why am I sad. I said I’m not sad, I’m lesbian, and I’m ready to share it with the world. She smiled and gave me the biggest hug. A huge weight has been lifted. (25/Lesbian)

Story #1461

When I came out it was to my 10-year-old daughter. What precipitated it was that she confessed to me that she had a crush on a female friend and was confused by her feelings. I explained to her that is natural to have same-sex attractions and when she asked how I knew, I told her that I am homosexual but I denied that part of myself until my late thirties. I made her promise that if she comes to terms with any orientation she is that she doesn’t wait as long as I did (Rachel, 46/Lesbian)

Story #1439

When I came out was yesterday at a party. I had come out to my close friends, but that’s all. Yesterday we were at a party and I was really, really drunk and when I saw the girl I like I yelled, “I want to f*ck you!” Then people started asking me if I was a lesbian and I just said yes.

Story #1440

When I came out it was first to one of my best friends who funny enough I made through our mutual love for Dan and Phil. Funny enough she came out as bi to me and I came out as lesbian to her. I used to have a crush on her but I got over it when she said she more into guys then girls. I now have a very loving girlfriend who I can’t wait to meet (sadly we are long distance ;-;) (F/14/Lesbian, she/her, you can call me jay)

Story #1433

When I came out as a lesbian my mom asked me if it was because of peer pressure. It’s been almost two years and she hasn’t talked about it since.