When I came out it was to my dog. I know that sounds dumb, but it’s true. It took me courage to even tell my dog. I plan on telling my crush, who is also lesbian, sometime soon. Send good vibes! (F/12/Gay)
Story #1632
When I came out was rather calm. I already came out to my friends but it was just my family I hadn’t told yet. During pride month, my straight friends were very supportive and suggested we should go to the pride parade. I agreed but I lied to my mother (who I lived with at the time) that I was heading over to my friend’s. My mom follows one of my family friends and he uploaded a group photo and I was there and my mom got upset, not because I later told her I was lesbian but because I lied to her about going to my friend’s. (F/19/Lesbian)
Story #1626
When I came out, it was hard. I’d just been in a rocky relationship with a guy for 10 months and was feeling pretty low when I left the relationship. But I’m glad I did because then I was able to see who I really was. I told all my friends and they were so supportive and then my family was alright. And it was a terrifying experience but I’m glad I did, because it allowed me to feel free. With love, a 16-year-old lesbian
Story #1625
When I came out, I first told a girl who was bisexual to get the courage to tell my friends. Until now, all I have gotten are good reactions. I’m planning to come out to my parents soon, but I’m scared. (15/Lesbian)
Story #1619
When I came out to my mom, I was in tears, and she knew that I had something important to tell her, but I couldn’t say it. I finally blurted out: “I love [name of female friend]”, and she looked relieved. She told me she expected something like “I’m pregnant” or “I do drugs” or “I killed a person” because I was so nervous about it. I told my sister later, and she was ok with it too, but I’m not completely out yet. (F/16/Lesbian)
Story #1616
When I came out to my parents they said I was too young. I’m 13, which is puberty age, so I think I’m old enough. Oh well, might as well wait until I’m 18, tell them again, and if they don’t like I can move out cuz I’ll be an adult 😛 (13/Lesbian)
Story #1604
When I came out to my parents they were completely mad and disappointed. They are now always ready to yell at me. A few years later I came out to my friend and she accepted me just for who I was. It’s been hard but I am a lesbian and no amount of yelling can change that.
Story #1600
When I came out as lesbian, my best guy friend told me he had feelings for me. I rejected it and he was pretty upset. I really miss him and I don’t know how to fix this. I don’t know if I’ll find a way. (F/19/Lesbian)
Story #1595
When I came out to my mom she was very upset and made a scene at the restaurant. My father defended me and I had to get a ride home with my father because my mother didn’t want to be near me. The next day, my mother showed up at my apartment crying, saying, “I’m not mad that you’re lesbian, I’m mad that you waited this long; you’re my daughter.”
Story #1594
When I came out to my mom, she totally rejected that. She told me she would never support me and that I wasn’t lesbian. Two months later she is still rejecting me… I hope it will get better. (F/21)