Story #1972

When I came out it was to my mom. We were sitting in the car and I was thinking of just telling my mom I was lesbian until my best friend texted me and said if I came out that she would have my back one thousand percent so I said f**ck it and I told my mom. I was sooooo scared though although I felt a relief of weight and pressure off my shoulders of holding that in for months. After I told her she just sat there in silence and just asked when and why I felt this way, and I told her I knew I was lesbian around the age of 13 and I found out when I was playing the game bottle spin at a party and I had to kiss a girl although I never was really that in to boys, nor was I boy crazy like my other friends were. I still have to come out to my dad and the rest of my family and friends although I will eventually. (F/Lesbian)

Story #1971

When I came out to my aunt, it was after dinner at Thanksgiving. I followed her out to her car and I told her, “I need to tell you something.” She said, “Ok, what is it?” I said that I was gay, but she didn’t hear me, so she asked me to repeat it. After that I said, “I’m gay!” then burst into tears. She told me that she accepted me and still saw me as family, which I was glad to hear. That Christmas, she gave me a hairband lollipop that was rainbow colored. I am so thankful to have a family member who accepts me for who I am after my parents rejected my identity. (F/15/Lesbian)

Story #1969

When I came out as transgender, my mother was so accepting. My dad isn’t so much, but my mum and I are moving out soon anyway, so it’ll be great; it already is. I was so so scared of saying it, so I wrote it on a letter and drew a tiny 🏳️‍🌈 to show MY
GAYNESS! 😂 (F/17/Lesbian)

Story #1967

When I came out I walked up to my parents and was like, “I’m a girl.” They weren’t the most supportive (read: super transphobic), but my cousins and sister made up for it by using my preferred pronouns. As soon as I told them, it felt like a weight that had been on my chest after I had come out to my parents had been lifted off, and I hope to be openly transgender soon. (F/12/Lesbian)

Story #1962

When I came out in 1974, when I was 9, I was watching a documentary about a Transsexual woman when I realised what I was. I told my mum, who said, “Talk to your father.” He was a homophobe, and I was very scared. I kept my feelings inside for many years, also because I preferred girls over boys, so I was so confused. This is my second time around living as a Female. (Trans Female/54/TransBian)

Story #1958

When I came out, I told my best friend I was bi. After years of constant tears and struggling with who I am, she yanked it out of me. As the words came out, that overwhelming feeling of sadness and anxiety vanished. I finally felt like I could breathe. I was free and happy. Over time I told many more friends and my parents. I would always begin crying, scared of rejection, but end in relief and happiness. I know that I am not bi, but a lesbian. I need to learn to accept myself as others have accepted me. (F/21/Lesbian)

Story #1956

When I came out I clapped my hands to “If you’re gay and you know it, clap your hands.” My friends didn’t believe me at first but I confirmed it. I was unable to focus on the rest of my classes, but I am now relieved. I plan on telling more of my friends soon. (F/14/Gay/lesbian)

Story #1952

When I came out it was the last day of the term, when I told my mum I was bisexual. She was very supportive and helpful, which was good. A few weeks later, I realised I was lesbian, so I came out again. She offered to tell my dad, and I said she could. I’m happy that I’m out to my parents and hope I can come out to the rest of my family and my school.

Story #1949

When I came out to my parents (about half a year ago now) it wasn’t planned. I’d been planning for several years to go to a university of technology, so I’d often heard jokes about there being so many boys that they’d be fighting about me. Then one day we were in the kitchen preparing dinner, talking/joking about what I did at school when I wasn’t paying attention. My dad said, “Talking with your friends about boys you like” and I said, “About that; I’m a lesbian.” They were surprised (so much that some of the food got burnt :p) but supporting, my mother hugged me and said she’s proud. (F/18/Lesbian)

Story #1947

When I came out I told my new best friend I’m 50% sure I like girls. She was okay with it and said her sister was too and told me it was good I came out. A year later I am preparing an English presentation and I’m about to tell about 30 students I’m gay and I’m not ashamed! (F/16/Lesbian)