Story #2132

When I came out last year I was 14 and thought I was bi. But recently I realized I am a lesbian as society had made me want to be with a man even if I didn’t want to be. I’m now more comfortable within myself then I’ve ever been and I’m starting to come out again; however, I’m not planning on telling my parents I’m gay as they know I’m bi. (F/15/Lesbian)

Story #2127

When I came out, I was 14 and my friends were all hanging out in the basement. One suggested we play truth or dare and somehow we all decided to say our sexuality out loud. My friends wanted me to be the first one, and after a lot of freaking out I said I was a lesbian. Turns out only 1 out of the 8 of us is straight! Still waiting to tell my parents. (F/16/Lesbian)

Story #2119

When I came out to my friends I felt kinda scared. I had already come out to my (now) girlfriend as bi and she came out to me as well as bi (I am now a lesbian). Most of my friends also are LGBTQ+ and or allies. We all basically became “super LGBTQ+” and met quite a few more queer friends. We now consist of a lesbian (me), 4 bisexuals, 3 trans folk, a pansexual, and about 10 allies. I feel very accepted and am very happy that we are all friends. (F/12/Lesbian)

Story #2118

When I came out, it was to my mom. We were having a late-night heart-to-heart, and I kept thinking that there wasn’t going to be a better time than this. When I told her, I had her guess, and she guessed that it had something to do with me not knowing whether I liked guys or girls. I came out, and then started crying. I was so relieved, because I hated lying. She was super supportive, although she did say it might be a phase. Good luck, all! (F/14/Lesbian)

Story #2115

When I came out to my mum I was 13 and told her I had a girlfriend. Her reaction was nothing and just said “okay” and left. Two years later I’m single, non-binary, and a lesbian and my mum doesn’t like that I want to change my name and don’t want a gender. My auntie on the other hand is a fellow lesbian and she supports me. My father, well, I have no idea what he thinks. (Non-binary/14)

Story #2114

When I came out my mum was shocked. She was not accepting at first, but she’s gradually changed. Her first reaction was that she ran away into another room and cried her eyes out. I was shattered, and I hid in the closet for four years. I moved out, and I don’t speak to her very much anymore, but I’m fine with that. I have my wonderful chosen family with me, and I know that if you are struggling with this, it will all work out. Proud of you 🌈❤️ (Demigirl/19/Lesbian)

Story #2112

When I came out to my mom, I was already out to my friends who were all nothing but kind and supportive. I expected for my mom to be accepting as well, but she wasn’t. After I told her, she went on a walk in a huff, and I called my best friend, telling her what happened between sobs. She dropped everything and picked me up, got me Starbucks, and hugged me while I cried. Even though my mom’s reaction wasn’t what I hoped it would be, my dad reacted positively, and I have amazing friends that are my chosen family. (F/16/Lesbian)

Story #2109

When I came out my family accepted it but didn’t like it. They love me and they accept me but we never speak of it and they very quickly stopped asking me about the romantic parts of my life. But I found more family that just happens to not be blood related. I found my lgbt family. Not only do they love and unconditionally accept me but they encourage me to talk about my fears, my loves and everything in my heart. And I unconditionally love them and with them I’ve been happier than ever. (F/50/Lesbian)

Story #2108

When I came out it was to my mum. I told her I had something to tell her. We sat down and I realised how scared I was. I was crying and when I finally told her she said she didn’t mind and was really supportive. It was such a weight off my shoulders and now I have to work on telling my dad and sister. (F/12/Lesbian)

Story #2106

When I came out as a lesbian I did it through a letter to a close friend. I was extremely nervous and it took me close to ten minutes to just hit the send button even though I know it would be fine. She’s really accepting, and she doesn’t care at all. I’m more concerned about the rest of my friends, though, because of all of them being rather homophobic. Oh well. Wish me luck! (F/13/Lesbian)