When I came out I was with my sister and we were arguing because she took away my video games and told me to do my chores and I got mad… We got angry to the point when we physically fought. After that, I told her to get out of my room. I locked my room door and started crying. She then proceeded to lock-pick my door and she asked me what was wrong and I continuously told her nothing. I screamed “I’m gay!” at her and I started sobbing ( I was in the closet for 4 years) and she ran up to me and held me for minutes until I stopped crying. (F/13/Gay/lesbian)
Story #2157
When I came out it was at a Christmas party with friends in August. As it happens at every house party with my friends and me, we ended up in the kitchen and got emotional and sentimental. One of my friends suddenly asked me if she could ask me one question and I agreed. The question was: Boys or girls? I said, “Girls,” and nobody was surprised and everything was fine. The only thing they wanted to know was if I was dating someone at the moment. (Non-binary/21/Lesbian)
Story #2154
When I came out to my new class, they were like ‘cool’ and that was the end of it. Later that day I came out to my old schoolfriends, and they were all really supportive and helped me through the times my mum was being homophobic. I’ve come out to my Dad and stepmother, and they were fine with it. I’ve yet to come out to my Mum, but for now I want to see her point of view on lgbtq+ stuff. I have come out to two people about my gender. (Bigender/12/Lesbian)
Story #2151
When I came out to my best friend, it was actually the second time. I had already come out as bi, but I recently realised I’m a lesbian. I told her I’m not attracted to boys at all and she asked if I was gay. I said yes and she gave me a high five. I hope the rest of my friends react the same way. (F/18/Lesbian)
Story #2146
When I came out I came out to my friends over text as lesbian. They were all very supportive of me. I still haven’t come out to my family. I know that they will accept me, I just don’t my relationship to become weird. (F/13/Lesbian)
Story #2144
When I came out to myself I was seven. I knew that I liked girls but to me that was completely normal. When I turned 10 I did more research and found out I was lesbian. I still haven’t come out to my parents or my friends and I am extremely scared. But I understand what I am and am happy. (F/13/Lesbian)
Story #2143
When I came out, I was 19. My mother said she had a feeling when I told her, and she accepted everything about me. (She took that better than me being atheist.) It was the opposite for my dad. I came out to him last year, and he didn’t talk to me for a month; I was dead to him, as if I had died, as if he had “lost” me. One night he was super drunk and told me through my door that he missed me. It’s like nothing had happened now. He still wishes I would marry a man, but I’m going to stay true to my heart. If people ask I tell them, with a giant grin on my face. (F/21/Lesbian)
Story #2142
When I came out it wasn’t really a big thing. My classmate had been talking in chorus class about how pride month represented her. I came up to her the next day and asked her if she identified as lesbian. She said yes, then I told her I thought I might be lesbian too. She just hugged me. It was the best feeling. (F/12/Lesbian)
Story #2141
When I came out to a close friend, she seemed pretty supportive, but something seemed a bit off. Since then, every single time the idea of celebrity crushes or something is brought up, she always asks about mine, and always assumes that it’s a guy. Because of this I keep having to come out to her. It feels so invalidating. (F/16/Lesbian)
Story #2135
When I came out to my parents I had always said that I was a bisexual. I realized that I was actually gay though so I re-came out. From then on I had built up an understanding of sexuality and gender and I have come to terms with my sexuality and acceptance within my community. Basically I’m hella gay. All my friends are accepting and I’ve even found myself a girlfriend 😊. I am very comfortable and open about my sexuality and don’t mind who the hell knows. I have yet to tell my extended family and I’m not sure they really need to know until I’m in a serious relationship/married. (F/Lesbian)