Story #2685

When I came out as lesbian it was about 6 months ago, but I had known I liked girls way before that. First I came out to my best friend, who was really nice about it, and we were talking about crushes and we both just blurted we had a crush on each other. It was awkward for like a day but then things went back to normal. When I came out to my mom as lesbian it wasn’t too long after I came out to my best friend, and I was so scared so decided to write it down and give the note to her. She was surprised but supportive, but I haven’t come out as nonbinary yet to anyone. (Nonbinary/12/Lesbian)

Story #2679

When I came out first, I was like 11 or so. It was to my parents; I told my mother first that I was a lesbian. She was really supportive and my dad was too. I told it almost immediately, so they were a great help. Then, around half a year ago, I realised I wasn’t a girl. I first thought I was a demigirl, but after a while I realised I was nonbinary. My parents supported me again, but they needed time to adjust. Now they really try to use my pronouns, but it is hard to them. At school it’s worse; I am out to my friends, but they never use my right pronouns. My class can be really homophobic and that hurts. There is one boy I think is okay; however, he says really mean stuff, not to my face, but I can hear it… I hope it gets better, and I hope that everyone can be who they are. Never give up! (Nonbinary/13/Lesbian)

Story #2676

When I came out, it wasn’t always easy. I have known that I was queer since I was 9 or 10 though, because I always felt a connection to the LGBTQ+ community. I liked my female friend when I was 11 and decided I was bisexual. When I was 12, I realized that I really didn’t like guys at all, and lesbian fit me better. After starting middle school, I began to feel dysphoric, but I couldn’t understand why. Eventually, I came out to my parents as a demigirl, but they weren’t always supportive. However, I am now 13 and I would like to use they/she pronouns. I am a proud lesbian :). I am going to get the short haircut I have wanted for a while in a week! It’s not always easy to be queer, but it gets better. (Demigirl/13/Lesbian)

Story #2675

When I came out (to my friends) I was 13 years old and had just realized my obsession with Jade West was suspicious, to say the least. I remember watching Victorious for the second time when it came to Netflix and all those feelings I had for Jade when I was 9 or 10 came back and it became clear to me that there was one reason why I simply hated Beck for no apparent reason, that I wanted to see Jade and Tori kiss and that I overlooked Jade’s cruelty, and that reason was I was infatuated with that woman. Since that moment it all came back to me, all the signs I (and everyone I know) had ignored and in hindsight I was extremely gay as a child and never really hid it. Oh yeah and my family still doesn’t know. (F/17/Lesbian?)

Story #2674

When I came out, I had a crush on my friend who is 3 years older than me. She’s religious but I knew that she wasn’t against LGBTQ. I thought about my feelings for a while and I had lost my feelings for her because we respect each other and support each other a lot and I didn’t want to lose that. I was terrified to come out to her and I also confessed that I had a crush on her but I no longer did. She took it so well and said that she fully supports me and that my sexuality doesn’t change how she views me and I just feel so relieved and happy to have someone who supports and cares about me. (F/13/Lesbian)

Story #2672

When I came out, I was twelve years old at the time. I don’t really remember the context that well, but I did turn to my mum and say: ‘I might be gay.’ This was followed by awkward silence, to which I peered over to see she was typing out a Facebook post: ‘My twelve year old just came out to me as gay, do I give them the talk’. Humiliated, I just took it back. Two years later I tested the waters, coming out as bisexual, to which I was told, ‘everyone starts out that way, you’re confused.’ My friends have all been supportive, it’s just my parents that I have to deal with now. I have yet to mention that I use she/they pronouns. (Demigirl/17/Lesbian)

Story #2667

When I came out, It was during a field trip. My mom, who was involved with fundraisers for our school, decided to volunteer. One of the kids that I didn’t like saw me and my mom board the bus and outed me, saying: “HEY, DOES YOUR MOM KNOW YOU’RE GAY?” I was hurt and my mom looked at me, at the kid, back at me, and escorted me to my seat. For about thirty minutes, me and my mom sat in awkward silence before she held my hand and told me she loved me no matter what. (F/15/Lesbian)

Story #2663

When I came out, it was the day after I turned 14. My sister (who is also lesbian) kind of guessed, so I never had to come out to her. But the day after my birthday, there was this girl from school I was on a walk with. She had come out as bi to me and her friends the week before. It was getting dark outside, so I told her, “Can I tell you a secret you can’t tell anybody else?” She pinkie promised she wouldn’t tell anyone, and then I told her, “I think… I think I’m gay.” Then I told her when I started to realise it and stuff. She was super accepting, and then she told me her coming out story. It was scary, because even though I knew she wouldn’t hate me, I had never said the words “I’m gay” out loud before. But I am so glad I did it. I feel so seen, and so understood. It feels so refreshing to not have to pretend to be straight! (F/14/Lesbian)

Story #2658

When I came out, it started slowly. I told my wife first, then my sister-in-law who lives with us, then my kids. When I was in the process of changing everything legally, the government sent a card, I think it was about voter registration, to my former address, where my parents still lived. The card was addressed to my new name. Immediately, they began attempting to convince me to come over so they could correct me (my sperm donor is a pastor of a very conservative church), essentially offering me conversion therapy. At this point, I just made my identity completely public, resulting in a few supportive members of my extended family, but also several cut ties. (MtF/33/Lesbian/poly)

Story #2650

When I came out to my parents as pansexual I was 9, and my parents were very supportive, even if they did act like it was a phase. When I was 11 I came out as a lesbian, because I had never really had crushes on men, I just saw them as friends. My friends were all very supportive and I couldn’t be more lucky with the way that things turned out. I am coming out to my mom’s side of the family this weekend, and I hope it goes well. Good luck to anyone who is/is thinking about coming out. (F/12/Lesbian)