Story #2513

When I came out to my mother as ftm, she told me that it was just “a trend” and that she will not “subscribe to your ideology.” She then refused to call me by my preferred pronouns (he/him). I was heartbroken, and that lasted for a while. However, that was 2 years ago… Today… I am Bigender. My pronouns are now she/him, and I feel very comfortable about it. I’ve came out to me friends, and they’re all supportive. It’s just my parents who still think and want me to be straight and cis. (Bigender/14/Lesbian/Demiromantic/Greysexual/Polyamorous)

Story #2449

When I came out, it was first to one of my closest friends, in January, and I was a stuttering mess; very embarrassing. She just smiled, and we continued with our day (I don’t believe she understood what I said since I was mumbling and stuttering). I came out properly to her last month. I came out to most of my friends and they’ve all been accepting since pretty much all my friends are part of the LGBTQ+ community, and it made me really happy. I came out to my mom and she is supporting, but doesn’t understand too well. I might come out to my sister and dad during pride month, but who knows. (F/13/Aroace [aromantic greysexual])

Story #2428

When I came out to my Bi best friend recently, Ze was really supportive! I am planning to come out to my other two best friends on my birthday. They all support the LGBTQIAP+ community, but there’s a few of my other best friends who I don’t think I’ll ever come out to, because they’d be really weird about it. Just a piece of advice, don’t feel like you have to come out to anyone (at all). The only person you owe it to is yourself. (Demigirl/Maybe panromantic or greysexual)

Story #2413

When I came out to myself, I was 14, and thought that I was bisexual, but then at 16, I learnt about asexuality, and thought I was Biromantic Grayace. But then as time passed, I identified as Non-Binary at 19, and with weird feelings towards guys, I realized I was a lesbian at 20, but always felt like I didn’t fit in with the really sexual and romantic feelings of being a grayace lesbian. So now, I realized that I’m Grayaro too! So on the aroace spectrum with a lesbian orientation. I’ve come out to almost all my friends, who are supportive, but my parents are in denial. But I’ve found a beautiful accepting community along my journey of coming out and discovering my identity. (Non-binary/20/Gray aroace lesbian)

Story #2401

When I came out I was about 13. I told my friends first, who were all really accepting, given some of them were LGBTQ+ as well, and my sister had known for a while as well, and she was lesbian. I came out to my parents a while later about my sexuality, by baking a cake – they were fine with it too, even though they don’t know about me being agender yet. For anyone who’s having a hard time or isn’t accepted, keep going!! One day you’ll find someone, either a friend or a partner, who loves you just the way you are. (Agender/Demipanromantic Graysexual)

Story #1709

When I came out I felt so relieved. I’ve finally found what’s in me and I am so happy. Took years to figured out what’s wrong with myself during all those relationships I was in and here I am, a graysexual. (F/22/Graysexual)