When I came out, it was a fast decision. I told one of my new friends that I was genderfluid and she looked at me and smiled and was awesome about it! (Genderfluid/13/Pan)
Story #1657
When I came out to my pseudo-sibling at the age of 13, it was after she came out to me, so I was a bit relieved. That’s when I came out to her as “not straight” because I was still figuring it out at that time. All this was in text, though, so it was easier to come out to each other. (We literally live over 10000 miles away from each other.) We’ve both been very loving and supportive of each other since that day. (Gender-fluid/polysexual)
Story #1545
When I came out to my two best friends one was shocked. The other was through text so it was hard to say but he seemed nice. Other than that I’m still scared to tell anyone else. (Genderfluid/14/Pansexual)
Story #1544
When I came out to my two best friends, both of them supported me. I feel great accepting myself and knowing at least a couple people support me. (Genderfluid/14)
Story #1430
When I came out, I felt such a huge attraction to girls. Almost always falling for girls. I fell for a straight girl in 7th grade and guess what happened, she spread rumors. And pathetically, it was over email. I’ve learned my lesson that I shouldn’t do that ever again. (Genderfluid/16)
Story #1419
When I came out, for several years I’ve been thinking about surgery. But then I realized I don’t need it because I can be a guy on the inside and a girl on the inside and I’m comfortable with that. Because out there there’s probably lots of girls who like that. So whoever is reading this, be comfortable with yourself. (Genderfluid Female/16)
Story #1344
When I came out, well, I guess that began a chain reaction of my friends coming out to me. My best friend told me he was gay and I was happy for him! My dad on the other hand thought it was a phase. Just a note for my fellow queers, don’t let people tell you who you are; this is your life, not theirs! (Genderfluid girl/Bi)
Story #1212
When I came out, everyone was super supportive of me being bisexual. I’ve changed my sexuality a bunch of times. But I’m still not sure if I should come out to my parents… (Genderfluid demiboy/15/Asexual panromantic)