Story #1187

When I came out I was drunk at my friend’s house. We were playing truth or dare and I told him I didn’t like girls but boys. He was surprised to say the least but he didn’t support me. We still don’t talk to each other. Now I’m scared to tell my best friend. I’m pretty sure he will accept me but I’m not willing to take the chance and lose another friend.

Story #1186

When I came out, my mom cried. I told her over a year ago, and she started crying. She went on about how she wanted grandkids, and basically told me not to tell anyone. I’m gonna come out to her and her side of the family again soon. (M/15/Gay)

Story #1180

When I came out… it was actually an accident. My dad was checking through my phone and saw my notes on my phone about my concern that I was gay. They were pretty awkward about the subject for about 4 months but now it’s been a year and I feel great! (F/14/Gay)